GIVER: right , you got a map with an extinct volcano ? FOLLOWER: right yes i have , i'm just in front of that . GIVER: right . FOLLOWER: with the start . GIVER: right , you've got a cross marked start ? FOLLOWER: yes . GIVER: right , if you just want to come ... ... like down past the extinct volcano ... down to like to towards the bottom of the page . FOLLOWER: right okay , just straight down directly south ? GIVER: uh-huh ... just straight down , uh south . FOLLOWER: how far ? GIVER: south down to about ... equal to where the tribal settlement is ... further on . FOLLOWER: equal to where the tribal settlement is . GIVER: just a wee bit below it because you're going to ... ... go start going ehm west you . FOLLOWER: right , i've no g-- i've not got any tribal settlement at all ... and other than that i've got an extinct volcano ... and that's heading down towards . GIVER: y-- ... ... ... you've not got a t-- , you've not got ? FOLLOWER: the bottom of the page . GIVER: you've not got to the ... left-hand side a tribal settlement ? FOLLOWER: no i haven't . GIVER: well ... you're going to go down about ... ... three centimetres down to where it ... the word says extinct volcano . FOLLOWER: right okay . GIVER: okay , then you're going to start going along west . FOLLOWER: west ... right okay ... for . GIVER: right , keep on going until you're maybe about ... ... three centimetres from the the left-hand side of the page . FOLLOWER: from the left-hand s-- , that's quite a bit . GIVER: uh-huh it's quite far along , 'kay , so just about three in-- ... three centimetres from the left-hand side . FOLLOWER: right okay . GIVER: okay , then you're going to start going up north . FOLLOWER: right okay . GIVER: right , have you got a rope bridge ? FOLLOWER: i have just up to sort of . GIVER: uh-huh , so if you start just drawing ... drawing a line up ... towards the rope bridge . FOLLOWER: up towards going diagonally across to the rope bridge ? GIVER: uh-huh , just going up then veering off to the right ... up to the rope bridge . FOLLOWER: 'kay . GIVER: then you're going to go across the rope bridge . FOLLOWER: right okay , so i draw a line through the rope bridge ? GIVER: uh-huh , you're going to go through that . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: right . FOLLOWER: the end of the rope bridge ? GIVER: you're at the end of the rope bridge , now if you go down ... ... not very steeply but ... ... just ehm down south a bit . FOLLOWER: down ... right . GIVER: about ... about another three centimetres just a gradual ... slope down . FOLLOWER: gradual sort of south through east ? GIVER: uh-huh , uh-huh slope to the east , aye south to east slope down about three centimetres . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: right , so now you want to go east . FOLLOWER: right okay . GIVER: straight across . FOLLOWER: just a straight line east ? GIVER: just a straight line , for about . FOLLOWER: how far ? GIVER: have you got a collapsed shelter ? FOLLOWER: yes i have ... that's ... a-- . GIVER: right , you're going to go along until you're underneath the collapsed shelter . FOLLOWER: right ... i'll be underneath it by about ... two or three centimetres ? GIVER: but , uh-huh just a little below the "o" actually . FOLLOWER: right okay . GIVER: okay , then you're going to start going up north again . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: and put your line through the "o" . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: and you're going to ... ... go up there for about ... ... about ehm let me see about ten centimetres up . FOLLOWER: okay , past the crevasse on the right ... on the left , have you not got a crevasse ? GIVER: i've not got a crevasse . FOLLOWER: no okay , for about ten centimetres ? GIVER: uh-huh ten centimetres straight up north , right , and then you're going to actually ... ... you're not just going to go ehm ... when you go st-- you're going to go back ... west again ... ... but if you actually ... kind of go up a wee bit ... then diagonally down know what i mean like in a wee hump . FOLLOWER: right , oh right i see what you mean . GIVER: okay ? FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: you know if you go up and then come back down , and have you got a saxon barn ? FOLLOWER: okay yes . GIVER: right , well you're just going to go up ... ... and come down underneath the words saxon barn . FOLLOWER: so do a sort of semicircle to the saxon barn ? GIVER: uh-huh ... ... yeah that'd be , so you've just drawn your line just under the "s" of the saxon bar ? FOLLOWER: okay , just under the "s" ? GIVER: uh-huh , and have you got pelicans ? FOLLOWER: i haven't no i've not . GIVER: right , so ... ... you're going to go ... down ... ehm south . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: for about ... this is ehm ... not a ... not a dia-- ... uh-huh a diagonal line i would say ... right down about another three c-- ... three four centimetres . FOLLOWER: diagonal line which way ? GIVER: sorry ehm ... to the . FOLLOWER: s-- ... east west ? GIVER: to the west . FOLLOWER: left right ? GIVER: to the west . FOLLOWER: to the west , so carry on ... the same direction as the hump is that ? GIVER: uh-huh . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: right , you're down about ... ... west ... eh r-- sorry down about north ... west ... about oh sorry god what am i saying south . FOLLOWER: southwest ? GIVER: southwest ... about three centimetres . FOLLOWER: right okay . GIVER: and you've not got pelicans you said ? FOLLOWER: no i've not . GIVER: right , and then ... ... continue going ... ... west ... it's just straight across . FOLLOWER: right , is this this ... so this is towards the edge of the ... edge of the paper ? GIVER: for about three centimetres so you're kind of l-- , uh-huh this is towards the edge of the paper . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: so you're making another little kind of ... ... you're making a wee ... pit ... ... and now you're going to go back up again . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: you're going to go up ... north ... ... well this is quite a long way this time about ... about ... twelve centimetres ... right up north up ... the side of the page . FOLLOWER: just . GIVER: and have you got a white mountain ? FOLLOWER: okay , so are we about a third down the page at the moment ? GIVER: aye we're about a third down the page . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and you're going to go up to about ... two thirds up the page ... with this line . FOLLOWER: right okay , the top of the white i've got a white mountain yes . GIVER: oh you've got the white mountain ? FOLLOWER: i have got the white one . GIVER: well ... you see how like the white ... mountain's ... jagged on the left-hand side ? FOLLOWER: yes . GIVER: like if you just kind of like veer your line ... as though you're going ... up the moun-- ... the white mountain . FOLLOWER: up ... up the side of it right ? GIVER: uh-huh up the side of the white mountain . FOLLOWER: okay ... and when i get to . GIVER: and right once you reach the top of the white mountain . FOLLOWER: yes . GIVER: with your line ... just continue straight up ... north , have you got a golden beach ? FOLLOWER: golden beach , i've not ... no . GIVER: well the golden beach is about ... six centimetres up ... so if you . FOLLOWER: so is this directly just a straight line ? GIVER: this is direct-- , this is directly up north . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: a straight line up to the golden beach . FOLLOWER: from the top of the white mountain ? GIVER: from the top of the white mountain ... right up . FOLLOWER: how f-- how far up ? GIVER: ehm about six centimetres ... 'til you're about ... ah 'til you're about ehm ... about the same distance away from you're about five centimetres six centimetres from the top of the page now . FOLLOWER: right okay , okay . GIVER: right , to the left-hand side of the page ? FOLLOWER: yes . GIVER: right , and now we're going to go ... a complete straight line ehm ... east . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: for about six centimetres again ... 'cause if you . FOLLOWER: right have you got a slate mountain ? GIVER: ah th-- , right 'til it's just the bottom of slate mountain that'll be then . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: okay , and see how you what you did with the white mountain ... ehm ? FOLLOWER: what i did with the white mountain , yes . GIVER: you you just went up the side ? FOLLOWER: go up the side of it ? GIVER: well look as though you're going to climb the ... up to the top of the slate mountain . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: then come back down the other side ... ... missing the wee seagulls . FOLLOWER: right so that right ... that's what i'm doing ... ... ... ... oh right oh ... ... ... okay . GIVER: wait wait . FOLLOWER: right down the side missing the seagulls . GIVER: down the side just missing the seagulls right . FOLLOWER: that's it ... ... i've just killed one of them . GIVER: right you're bottom , right you're bottom of the slate mountain now ? FOLLOWER: right okay . GIVER: right , right have you got a secret valley ? FOLLOWER: eh yes i have , that's ... that's ... down below the slate mountain yes ? GIVER: uh-huh , right w-- . FOLLOWER: about ten centimetres twelve centimetres ? GIVER: right , what you're going to do is like ... you're at the bottom of slate mountain ... and you're going to g-- actually go ehm ... you're going to go west ... ... like underneath the slate mountain . FOLLOWER: right , okay , right . GIVER: going ... a wee bit diagonally not a completely straight line , do you know what i mean ? FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: okay ? FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: you're going to come as though you're just going up the top you're coming back the way you've come . FOLLOWER: right okay , sort of ... eight o'clockish ? GIVER: uh-huh ... yeah , round ... to the left-hand side of the page again . FOLLOWER: right okay . GIVER: that'd be ... west , and then once you reach about the ... ... as though the ... the bottom of the slate mountain again ... you're going to go competely down ... ... to the bottom of the secret valley . FOLLOWER: right , right okay , dir-- just directly down , straight down ? GIVER: just directly down . FOLLOWER: to the secret valley ? GIVER: uh-huh ... just to the bottom of the ... where it says secret valley . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: and then can you see you just draw a straight line to the finish ? FOLLOWER: to the finish ... no , i've not got a finish . GIVER: well the finish is actually , you know where it says secret valley ? FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: it's just about a centimetre along from that and down a wee bit that's where the f-- . FOLLOWER: from the edge of the letter "y" ? GIVER: uh-huh , it's about a centimetre along from ... the letter "y" ... ... and about a centimetre down that's your finishing cross . FOLLOWER: centim-- , right okay . GIVER: and that's the end . FOLLOWER: that's the end . GIVER: right right .