GIVER: right ... right ... at the start have you got the start bit ? FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: right , go along ... ... to your left in a straight line ... about an inch on the map . FOLLOWER: what am i trying to avoid ... first of all ? GIVER: stony desert . FOLLOWER: that's ... below the start ? GIVER: uh-huh . FOLLOWER: so i just go s-- ... ... left ? GIVER: go ... along left . FOLLOWER: how far ? GIVER: about ... centimetre and a half . FOLLOWER: aye . GIVER: you past it ? FOLLOWER: oh right okay right okay . GIVER: you past stony desert ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: right now go down ... to ... bottom left ... t-- . FOLLOWER: diagonally ? GIVER: yes , to miss the ... to get ... below the plane crash . FOLLOWER: the plane crash at the top right ? GIVER: right . FOLLOWER: where does your route end ? GIVER: sort of middle above middle right . FOLLOWER: what's down there ? GIVER: oh there's another plane crash down here though . FOLLOWER: no there's only one . GIVER: right we'll just do that anyway right go down diagonally to the bottom left of the page . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: not right to the bottom . FOLLOWER: right okay . GIVER: and then up in a straight line ... about . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: er about ... two and a half centimetres . FOLLOWER: is there a collaps-- , is there a collapsed shelter ? GIVER: collapsed shelter , go up round above that . FOLLOWER: uh-huh , right , so i start swinging to the right again ? GIVER: well once you've gone up ... 'til you're past that on a straight line ... then go ... straight line along it ... and back up above it , do you know what i mean ? FOLLOWER: yeah , okay right . GIVER: right , then ... ... down ... so that you've sort of ... gone back down the s-- ... the lef-- ... right-hand side of it 'til you get to the word collapsed shelter . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: so are you past collapsed shelter now ? FOLLOWER: so , right yeah , so right now ... now there's a waterhole to the right of me . GIVER: a savannah ? FOLLOWER: that's ... that's to the right of the waterhole . GIVER: right well avoid ... ... right just move to your ... right now . FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: and so you're directly above the place you started . FOLLOWER: right okay ... that's fine . GIVER: about an about a centimetre about two centimetres . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and then straight up about . FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: about five six centimetres until you get to the . FOLLOWER: above the savannah ? GIVER: uh-huh , but not directly above it to the left of it . FOLLOWER: right okay . GIVER: and then up until you get to the ... ... above the peak of the slate mountain which is just on your left . FOLLOWER: slate mountain ? GIVER: uh-huh . FOLLOWER: i don't have one . GIVER: it's a big slate mountain . FOLLOWER: it's called the white mountain . GIVER: right well do that anyway until ... you're about . FOLLOWER: so ... right , at this point that and the savannah's to the right and then beyond that is p-- ... the edge of the page ? GIVER: uh-huh . FOLLOWER: right , so is the big mountain above the savannah ... for you , i've got a . GIVER: slate mountain right is ... ... that part that i said was about ? FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: that m-- ... a centimetre and ... or two above the start ? FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: go up about five or six centimetres . FOLLOWER: straight up ? GIVER: uh-huh . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and then move to your left . FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: about ... ... two and a half centimetres . FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: and then down diagonally from that ... ... about ... you know s-- . FOLLOWER: down to the left ? GIVER: uh-huh , to miss hot wells , you got hot wells ? FOLLOWER: uh-huh ... ... yeah . GIVER: right so you go round down ... down below the hot wells ... and skirt round it ... at the bottom . FOLLOWER: just the hot wells , so are we ? GIVER: uh-huh , 'cause you've not got a slate mountain , just do what i tell you . FOLLOWER: okay , but there's elephants to the left of the hot springs , shall i go round them as well ? GIVER: uh-huh . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: right now down . FOLLOWER: oh no i can't go down . GIVER: right . FOLLOWER: this is a disaster . GIVER: well don't go down then go just go straight up the page past . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: down the to the right-hand side of the ri-- white of the left-hand side of the white mountain . FOLLOWER: right that's fine , quite far up ? GIVER: uh-huh . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: but leave a big bulbous gap after you've got past the hot wells for the elephants is that right ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: right , then go straight up ... and cut in down along quite near the side of the white mountain when you've gone up it . FOLLOWER: so ... do you go atop the ... will i go round the top of the white mountain ? GIVER: no , go right up about ... three centimetres above it . FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: directly above the peak just a wee touch to your left of the peak ... straight line goes directly above the peak . FOLLOWER: oh right . GIVER: and then ... go right . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: about that much . FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: not diagonally . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and then ... go round ... in a sort of ... round the lake , have you got a lake up there ? FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: right well go right up above it ... and round it ... and then back round ... and ... past , have you got roman baths ? FOLLOWER: no . GIVER: right ... ... well there's roman baths and another plane crash . FOLLOWER: ah i see the plane crash . GIVER: right , well the roman baths are ... above and to the left of that . FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: so you've got to miss that as well . FOLLOWER: so where do i go what c-- side of the plane crash do i go to ? GIVER: well see the sort of ... ... partial semicircle over the top of the lake ? FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: just mirror that on the bottom ... ... until you're s-- you start m-- ... until you finish that ... where you started to do a curve at the top , see where you started to curve up above the lake ? FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: right well . FOLLOWER: there's round rocks to the left of that , do you have that ? GIVER: mm ? FOLLOWER: do you have round rocks to the la-- left of the lake ? GIVER: no . FOLLOWER: mm . GIVER: anyway ... ... right once you've got right to the bottom of the lake okay ? FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: just move along to ... the left of that . FOLLOWER: uh-huh , so it's sort of ... bottom left of the lake ? GIVER: uh-huh . FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: until you're at bottom left of the lake . FOLLOWER: right okay . GIVER: do that . FOLLOWER: right , so is it almost a full circle ... it's like a peninsula ? GIVER: right , uh-huh , that's what i was trying to say . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and then ... go down ... in a straight line ... virtually . FOLLOWER: yes . GIVER: just come out a wee bit further ... go along left a wee bit further . FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: right and then go straight down . FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: to avoid antelopes , have you got antelopes ? FOLLOWER: oh yeah . GIVER: right , and then ... straight along right . FOLLOWER: right ... okay . GIVER: until ... ... you're directly above the start . FOLLOWER: okay ... right . GIVER: and that's your finish . FOLLOWER: oh good .