GIVER: ehm ... can you see ... a caravan park , your route is to ... ... your left ... of that . FOLLOWER: left ? GIVER: left ... i think . FOLLOWER: i'm going to end up off the paper if i go left . GIVER: no , you have to go round that side though . FOLLOWER: oh right ... right , going left . GIVER: and , then you go ahead mm ... you should see ... an old mill on your left again . FOLLOWER: eh no . GIVER: if you're going down ... if you're going down . FOLLOWER: aye you forgot to tell me to go down . GIVER: no but you go down . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: ehm ... turn to your left . FOLLOWER: i can't go left i havenae got to the old mill yet . GIVER: no , you don't go to the old mill . FOLLOWER: i can't go any further left i'm right beside the paper . GIVER: okay , from the beginning ... you go down , right ? FOLLOWER: yeah right i've done that . GIVER: right , then you turn left at the bottom ... of the paper ... or turn . FOLLOWER: so you want me to go right down to the bottom of the paper and then turn left ? GIVER: mmhmm , but turn left as if you're walking down . FOLLOWER: what ? GIVER: turn into the paper , okay , don't turn off the paper . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: okay , then head along slightly ... and then turn left again . FOLLOWER: have i got left and right mixed up here , no i haven't , i can't go any further ... left ... i'm right at the left-hand side of the paper right i'm about a centimetre away from it . GIVER: oh , well , if you can't ... can't turn left turn right . FOLLOWER: right that's a good idea . GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and then , when you see the old mill ... above you . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: turn ... up the way ... and you're going past the old mill . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: with it on your . FOLLOWER: left ? GIVER: right . FOLLOWER: right ? GIVER: right ... yes oh yeah , you've got to go round ... with it on your right-hand side . FOLLOWER: with it on your right-hand side ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: oh hell ... back i go ... ... right . GIVER: right okay ? FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: now , you go round the top of the mill . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: and ... ehm , he-- continue heading towards your right past the mill . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: you should see ... um a fenced meadow down at the bottom ? FOLLOWER: aye . GIVER: okay , ehm , now , if you're heading along that way turn up ... left , you should see an abandoned cottage ... up the way . FOLLOWER: no wait a minute , do you want me to go past the fenced meadow ? GIVER: eh ? FOLLOWER: or just ... look at it ? GIVER: don't go near no , don't go near e-- ... either of the fenced meadows . FOLLOWER: can only see one fenced meadow . GIVER: there are two . FOLLOWER: nah . GIVER: there's one above the caravan park and one over from the old mill . FOLLOWER: no it's no on my map . GIVER: oh well okay . FOLLOWER: there's only the one at ... there's only the one at the bottom . GIVER: oh well ... right . FOLLOWER: right do you want me go along pa-- along ... like beside the fenced meadow and then go up or do you want me to go up before i get to the fenced meadow ? GIVER: ehm ... don't know , i want you to go up just as you get to the fenced meadow but don't go near it , okay ? FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: right ? FOLLOWER: here i am at the abandoned cottage . GIVER: you're at the abandoned cottage , the abandoned cottage is on your left , is that correct ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: right ... okay , go round the top of the abandoned cottage . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and ... ... you come , oh i'll have to take this off , right , you come down slightly to your ... left if you're heading that way , but you don't have another fenced meadow ? FOLLOWER: nope . GIVER: nope . FOLLOWER: just an empty space . GIVER: mm , okay ... anyway ... now , you should see west lake ? FOLLOWER: aye . GIVER: head up towards west lake . FOLLOWER: aye . GIVER: now , when you get there you're going to have to go ... very close to it ... but round the side of it . FOLLOWER: right , which which way round the side ... clockwise or anticlockwise ? GIVER: erm towards towards the trig point , do you see that ? FOLLOWER: the what ? GIVER: the trig point . FOLLOWER: what's a trig point ? GIVER: can you see a trig point ? FOLLOWER: i don't know what a trig point is . GIVER: there should should be marked on your map , is it not ? FOLLOWER: what something with trig point written beside it ? GIVER: yeah , yeah . FOLLOWER: nope . GIVER: it's near the lake , it's not ? FOLLOWER: nope . GIVER: okay , you have to go round . FOLLOWER: clock well just say clockwise or anticlockwise . GIVER: anticlockwise , anticlockwise . FOLLOWER: anticlockwise . GIVER: on the ... the right-hand side of the lake . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: okay ? FOLLOWER: and i have to go right round ? GIVER: no no . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: right . FOLLOWER: where do i stop then ? GIVER: see when it starts turning ... up to the left , you turn to the right , you know what i mean ? FOLLOWER: eh ... like . GIVER: you go round the side of the lake . FOLLOWER: like there's t-- like there's two rabbit ears , and when you get to the one on the ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: right ... you have to start going ... right ? GIVER: yes , yeah . FOLLOWER: right ... i think so ... aye right . GIVER: you go right . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: okay , now , you have to go back ... down the way near ... the abandoned cottage again ... don't cross the pass ... path that you've been on already . FOLLOWER: right , do i just follow that path though ? GIVER: ehm ... well you shouldn't be near the path really , you have to go down to that level again ... you know back to the ... the stage of the abandoned cottage . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: can you see a monument ? FOLLOWER: aye . GIVER: right , you have to go round the monument ... with it on your ehm ... left-hand side . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: okay , so you've got the monument enclosed in your path . FOLLOWER: well sort of aye . GIVER: yeah , okay ... now , you see a nuclear test site ? FOLLOWER: nope . GIVER: you don't ... oh dear , ehm ... ... okay , continue ... go round the monument . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: until ... ... almost the top of his head . FOLLOWER: until , oh sh-- i've gone past that right . GIVER: have you gone past it , so you should have like ... a semicircle round the monument ? FOLLOWER: aye . GIVER: right ... ... now , you have to ... veer slightly to your ... left . FOLLOWER: left , right . GIVER: just slightly . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and then , go up straight ... up towards east lake . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: uh-huh , now , sticking quite close to east lake . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: can you see the finish , yeah ? FOLLOWER: no , i i don't think i've got a finish on mine . GIVER: you don't have a finish , can you see farmed land ? FOLLOWER: aye . GIVER: well , stick closely to east lake it's on your ... right-hand side ... and just go past the bit that's jutting out . FOLLOWER: hang on , you want me to go round the right-hand side of ... east lake ? GIVER: no ... i want you to go ... left ... but the east lake should be on your right-hand side . FOLLOWER: oh right aye . GIVER: okay ? FOLLOWER: aye . GIVER: now , just where it turns up ... just ... carry on the path you are ... for a few more steps and you should be finished . FOLLOWER: uh-huh , right . GIVER: should have come to the finish . FOLLOWER: i think so . GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: looks like your route home from the "q" "m" on a thursday night , that's that i think then . GIVER: yeah .