GIVER: have you read it then ? FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: okey-dokey , go south past the diamond mine ... then hang a left ... just at the bottom of it . FOLLOWER: right go south mm ... past the diamond hang a left ... ... right i'm going left , how far ? GIVER: sor-- ... eh left on the ... paper ... towards your and you hang left towards the graveyard , right , you're going u-- . FOLLOWER: graveyard , no graveyard over here . GIVER: yeah , there should be a wee graveya-- , well as you walk ... towards it it should be to the right ... ... west ... east sorry . FOLLOWER: just tell me what you what it is to you dave and i'll do it for me . GIVER: right , you come down past the diamond mine . FOLLOWER: south , aye you're south . GIVER: south . FOLLOWER: and then are going ? GIVER: and then you go ... east towards the graveyard . FOLLOWER: east , mind you there's no graveyard on mine , mm . GIVER: well you hang hang ... ... go east for a bit . FOLLOWER: i'll just go east . GIVER: 'til you're about ... two thirds of the way across the paper . FOLLOWER: mm . GIVER: right then , head ... head north , and then hang a right around the carved stones . FOLLOWER: over them or above ? GIVER: above . FOLLOWER: mm . GIVER: then you ... go south again , until you get to the indian country then you do a wee chicane , turn left above the indian country . FOLLOWER: so i'm ? GIVER: then a wee chicane round and hang a left around the gold mine . FOLLOWER: so i'm going round indian country and down to the left ... then down below the gold mine ? GIVER: n-- ... well you ... underneath the great rock ... rock ... then round ... then over the top of the gold mine . FOLLOWER: oh my map's totally different dave . GIVER: right , have you got a gold mine ? FOLLOWER: i've got no great rock , aye i've got a gold mine . GIVER: right , so you go round the gold mine ... ... then you . FOLLOWER: below it or above it ? GIVER: but what you go ... round the top of it ... then hang a left ... hang south ... go past it then south . FOLLOWER: right i'm going past it here right and then south ? GIVER: then south , then you go ... ... about prf ... two thirds three quarters of the way down the page . FOLLOWER: three quarters of the way down the page ... well that's about here right . GIVER: then you hang a left . FOLLOWER: left ? GIVER: sorry east ... go east . FOLLOWER: you mean right ? GIVER: aye . FOLLOWER: right is this below the ? GIVER: mmhmm . FOLLOWER: oh well . GIVER: right ... right ... right so you go along there . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: then you goes ... northeast , have you got a trout farm on your map ? FOLLOWER: aye , i'm about to ... ... if we're going northeast . GIVER: you go northeast up to just below the trout farm ... ... go along the bottom of it , you got the cavalry , no . FOLLOWER: no . GIVER: i wouldnae think so , that's the that's the good guys , er right so , trout farm you ... ... you go jus-- just about ... just about halfway ... past it ... then ... down south again . FOLLOWER: so just up bes-- alongside it ? GIVER: just past it . FOLLOWER: aye ... just past it right . GIVER: then you go south , go south south away down to . FOLLOWER: how can i go south i've just went north past it ? GIVER: no you don't go north past it ah . FOLLOWER: what the hell am i meant to do then ? GIVER: right , you're at the trout farm right ? FOLLOWER: yeah , i've gone along the bottom . GIVER: you're on the bottom , then you turn a right hang south . FOLLOWER: so i reach them ... ... you want me to did you go past it just a wee bit ... ... and then go down ? GIVER: and then go south , yes . FOLLOWER: mm . GIVER: t-- down towards a cattle stockade ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: eh you ... pass the cattle stockade on the east hand side . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: then you ... ... go west right underneath it . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: and then , have you got the bandit territory ... no ? FOLLOWER: so we're no it's in the left corner , there's i've got parched river bed in between ... me and a . GIVER: right , well you ... go past the stockade then you go you hang a left to ... have to take it that to avoid the parched river stockade uh parched river on yours , go underneath that ... ... then along the bottom . FOLLOWER: so , i'll m-- i'll miss the parched river bed . GIVER: and along the bottom . FOLLOWER: underneath the bandit territory ? GIVER: underneath bandit territory , then north up to the finish . FOLLOWER: up to this . GIVER: up to the wee cross . FOLLOWER: start ... ... north , mm ... avoiding the gallows i guess ? GIVER: that your finish ? FOLLOWER: that's me finished . GIVER: wait a minute i think you've went to the wrong bit , have you no got a wee cross a wee finishing mark beside your bandit territory ? FOLLOWER: no . GIVER: nope , okey-dokey right , we'll go over the map again , right you comes down . FOLLOWER: down . GIVER: past the diamond mine . FOLLOWER: past the diamond mine . GIVER: along . FOLLOWER: along . GIVER: have you got the graveyard on yours ? FOLLOWER: no . GIVER: well there's a graveyard just past the diamond mine , if you want to mark that in , right , you go east after the diamond mine , right , well there's a graveyard just before you go north again . FOLLOWER: mmhmm , mmhmm ... ... so there's a wee . GIVER: just draw a couple of headstones or something . FOLLOWER: there's a wee graveyard there . GIVER: then you go up round the carved stones , right ? FOLLOWER: up ... round the carved stones . GIVER: and down towards indian country . FOLLOWER: down towards , past the ravine . GIVER: right , there's a great rock ... in between the indian country and the gold mine . FOLLOWER: well there's my great rock's further away it's away somewhere else . GIVER: yeah , there's another there's another great rock . FOLLOWER: oh i see . GIVER: mmhmm , it's about the same bearing north as the indian country ... about midway between the indian country and the gold mine . FOLLOWER: right , that's another . GIVER: right ? FOLLOWER: another wee great rock here . GIVER: right you follow it round and you get to the trout farm , right follow everything round you get to the trout farm right ? FOLLOWER: right , i missed the totem pole . GIVER: right , then ... just after you hang a right ... well ... go s-- . FOLLOWER: south . GIVER: go south , there's a ... fort ... cavalry fort . FOLLOWER: just after the on which side of the line that i've just drawn down ? GIVER: underneath the line . FOLLOWER: underneath the trout farm ? GIVER: underneath the trout farm ... slightly slightly east ... and underneath it . FOLLOWER: between that and this , and this ... stockade below it ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: so that's away ? GIVER: stockade's directly below it , then you go round past the cattle stockade , right , then you got your parched river bed . FOLLOWER: you're in i've got my parched river which i've avoided . GIVER: and the bandit territory ... ... and your finishing ... point is ... pup ... prrr ... just ... just west and slightly above the bandit territory . FOLLOWER: oh right so it's there , just makes a slight . GIVER: so all that that you've got going up past the gallows in . FOLLOWER: it is rubbish . GIVER: everything is just the tourist route , right so .