GIVER: right neil ... ... erm . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: about ... one and a half centimetres above ... the extinct volcano is your start point . FOLLOWER: well i've got that already marked , right . GIVER: right , ah , go alon-- , erm , go along to your left , about ... three centimetres . FOLLOWER: right , right . GIVER: and ... curve round ... the extinct volcano . FOLLOWER: down the way ? GIVER: down the way . FOLLOWER: down the way right , towards the bottom left-hand corner ? GIVER: erm ... m-- ... a small slope . FOLLOWER: a small slope right . GIVER: and h-- ... along ... under the tribal settlement ... along 'til you . FOLLOWER: i don't have a tribal settlement ... um . GIVER: oh right , erm . FOLLOWER: you got a rope bridge ? GIVER: yes . FOLLOWER: am i ... should i be vertically under the right-hand side of the rope bridge ? GIVER: yes . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: erm ... ... should be above the bottom of the page ... by about ... two centimetres two and a half centimetres . FOLLOWER: okay , oh should i indeed , okay . GIVER: and . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: where are you now ... you still under ? FOLLOWER: em i'm under the rope bridge . GIVER: right-hand side ? FOLLOWER: about , left-hand side . GIVER: left-hand side , go ... left-hand side of the rope bridge ... go along . FOLLOWER: no right-hand side of the rope bridge sorry . GIVER: right-hand side . FOLLOWER: i thought you meant the page . GIVER: erm ... go along by about ... ... nine centimetres . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: in , up seven centimetres . FOLLOWER: right ... so , where am i in relation to the rope bridge now ? GIVER: erm ... you should be ... ... ... across by about ... ... four centimetres eh and under by about ... four centimetres . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and , curve round . FOLLOWER: which way ? GIVER: er ... ... so the slope ... ... it gets lower . FOLLOWER: oh whe-- whe-- whe-- towards the right or the left ? GIVER: to ... the right . FOLLOWER: have you got a saxon barn ? GIVER: hu-- ... you're not up there ... are you ? FOLLOWER: no i no i'm not , should ... am i going toward the rope bridge ? GIVER: yeah towards the rope bridge . FOLLOWER: am i going across the rope bridge ? GIVER: across the rope bridge . FOLLOWER: am i going across the r-- ... ... right it's across the rope bridge ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: stop after you you reach the ... end of the rope bridge . FOLLOWER: right i'm at the other end of the rope bridge right . GIVER: and ... ... down by three centimetres . FOLLOWER: have you got machete ? GIVER: no . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: where whereabouts is the machete ? FOLLOWER: it's ... along by about three centimetres and ... couple down ... from the rope bridge . GIVER: a ... ... couple dow-- oh right . FOLLOWER: right okay right . GIVER: are you close to it ? FOLLOWER: not yet . GIVER: not yet . FOLLOWER: right , so three centimetres down from the rope bridge ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: how close are you to it now ? FOLLOWER: about . GIVER: are you er directly across from it ? FOLLOWER: no . GIVER: no , er under it ? FOLLOWER: yeah , not directly under it but under it . GIVER: under it by enough to miss it ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: yeah ... am i going right now ? GIVER: yeah , er you go right by ... eight centimetres . FOLLOWER: above the start point ? GIVER: yes above the start point . FOLLOWER: well , right , so i should be above the start point now ? GIVER: yeah , you should be above the start point . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and do you see a collapsed shelter ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: above you to the right ? FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: well , you go to the left of this . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: and ... by ... about ... twelve centimetres , up ... is is there an an obstacle erm ? FOLLOWER: have you got a crevasse , no . GIVER: acro-- along from the saxon barn ... at all ? FOLLOWER: i've got a crevasse . GIVER: yeah , well , is that ... directly along from the saxon barn ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: well go ... above that . FOLLOWER: above the c-- ? GIVER: up ... and ... you go ... ... directly ... beside the collapsed shelter by about er say fifteen centimetres ... above the creva-- ... crevice . FOLLOWER: right , so have you got , right so , go about five centimetres above the crevasse ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: directly above the start point ? GIVER: five centimetres above the crevi-- ... crevasse ? FOLLOWER: uh-huh , which is fifteen centimetres from where i am now . GIVER: eh ... well , not as much as that . FOLLOWER: well , okay right . GIVER: ehm . FOLLOWER: that's where i want to be ? GIVER: by about a centimetre above the crevasse then , yeah . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and ... go along the top of the crevasse . FOLLOWER: to cross to the left-hand side of it ? GIVER: er , by , you've got the saxon barn haven't you ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: well , you go along ... and ... you go from ... above the crevasse ... well from the side down to ... under ... just under the saxon barn ... in a slope . FOLLOWER: so i'm curving ab-- i'm sloping then ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: so i'm now ... under the saxon barn , right . GIVER: er at the right-hand side , yes well . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: and ... ... go along 'til you get to the end of the saxon barn . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: to your left . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: and ... is there a an ... do you see another obstacle ? FOLLOWER: no . GIVER: below no , go . FOLLOWER: i've got a white mountain . GIVER: a white mountain whereabouts oh , no no no no . FOLLOWER: directly above the saxon barn , right okay . GIVER: no it's below , erm ... ... go ... down by about ... ... four centimetres . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: erm , go along ... four . FOLLOWER: which way ? GIVER: well go along five . FOLLOWER: which way ? GIVER: left . FOLLOWER: right , how much of the path have i done ... by the way ... am i over halfway there ? GIVER: erm , just under halfway yeah . FOLLOWER: just tons to go , yeah right . GIVER: and you've got the white mountain above you yeah ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: so , you go up ... say six centimetres u-- ... dilec ... rectly across from the saxon barn to your left . FOLLOWER: so i'm now opposite the saxon barn ? GIVER: yes . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and you slope towards the white mountain and past the white mountain . FOLLOWER: on the right-hand side ? GIVER: the slope , on the left-hand side . FOLLOWER: the left . GIVER: by one centimetre . FOLLOWER: but that's not sloping it should be . GIVER: well ... ... gentle sl-- very gentle slope . FOLLOWER: so i'm now at the left-hand side of the bottom of the white mountain ? GIVER: er ... go along the side ... er ... away from the m-- white mountain by a-- ... from the s-- left side of a white mountain by about one centimetre . FOLLOWER: am i to go up to the top of the mountain ? GIVER: yeah , 'til you reach the peak . FOLLOWER: so am i actually going to the peak of the wh-- ... white mountain ? GIVER: stop , no you don't , you go ... one centimetre to the left of the peak ... same level as the peak ... ... and . FOLLOWER: to , wait a minute one centimetre to the left of the peak ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: right , need my tippex now . GIVER: so it's like . FOLLOWER: right i've got it ... i've got it ... right . GIVER: and ... er , do you see any other obstacles ? FOLLOWER: i've got some submerged rocks to the r-- ... to the right . GIVER: ssss , to the right , how close to the right ? FOLLOWER: ah about ... ten to fifteen centimetres away ... ten ... quite a way away anyway . GIVER: okay . FOLLOWER: not near enough just now . GIVER: right , well , go up ... six centimetres directly up . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: and is there ... a mountain slate mountain ? FOLLOWER: i've got a slate mountain to the right . GIVER: yes , well , are you dir-- ... directly opposite that ? FOLLOWER: just about , the bottom of it yeah ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: well , go along ... and ... go along to your right ... ... one until you get about one centimetre from the slate mountain again and . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: along the slope one centimetre ... away from it . FOLLOWER: do i climb it just like the white mountain ? GIVER: yeah similar to it , yeah you go right over the peak ... and . FOLLOWER: right , so i'm at the top , right and down the other side . GIVER: down again ... yeah . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: and ... er ... is the obstacle ... you mentioned anywhere near ? FOLLOWER: no . GIVER: no . FOLLOWER: i've got a golden beach underneath me . GIVER: yeah , i've got a golden beach as well , that's quite a bit away ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: yeah , well , go ... ... two centimetres down from the bottom of the sli-- ... slate mountain on your right just two centimetres down . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: and ... ... go along left ... 'til you're about ... one centimetre away ... from ... ... the bottom of the slate mountain ... directly beneath the slate mountain that is . FOLLOWER: oh ... on the left-hand side ? GIVER: yeah on the left-hand side of , one centimetre away . FOLLOWER: so i'm getting near to where i jumped over the mountain ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: only underneath it right , now i've got some submerged rocks underneath me ... here . GIVER: how close ? FOLLOWER: directly underneath . GIVER: directly underneath ? FOLLOWER: well just um , if i go another couple of centimetres i'll be ... miss them . GIVER: you'll miss them , if you go along ... ... a couple ? FOLLOWER: mmhmm , to the left ? GIVER: er well , go along another couple of centimetres then . FOLLOWER: so i'm under the point where i jumped over the mountain now ? GIVER: you're under just ... well ... under to you should be under to the left . FOLLOWER: under the point where i jumped over the mountain , off the point where i jumped over the mountain ? GIVER: yeah , one centimetre to the left . FOLLOWER: of the point ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: okay , right , i've missed the rocks now ... if i go if i go straight down i'll miss the rocks . GIVER: erm you okay , right , erm ... eh go along another one centimetre . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: okay , erm , down ... ... directly down until you are ... ... opposite ... to the right of the white mountain the ... bottom of the white mountain . FOLLOWER: have you got a secret valley ? GIVER: yes . FOLLOWER: so . GIVER: are you going to ... go right through this ? FOLLOWER: hit it ... no , no . GIVER: no . FOLLOWER: so , i'm now ... at the bottom left of the secret valley ? GIVER: yes . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: ah , just ... go ... about one centimetre down from ... the where the white mountain is ... er ... you should be opposite from the white mountain so one centimetre down again . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and ... ... along ... ... you sh-- ... 'til you're just under the secret ... right-hand side of the secret valley now . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and along by one centimetre . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: that's you . FOLLOWER: that's me ? GIVER: yeah ... well it should be anyway .