GIVER: okay , if you move ... down ... about ... four or five centimetres ... ... and around to the ... east ... about ... ten ... twelve centimetres past the ... springboks . FOLLOWER: right okay , right what was that last one ? GIVER: about ten ... ten centimetres along past the springboks . FOLLOWER: okay , mm . GIVER: and go around ... the springboks to the ... northwest . FOLLOWER: springbok ? GIVER: about three centimetres . FOLLOWER: northwest three . GIVER: then move around past the highest viewpoint ... ... just go up right up ... around it , and then down about ... eight centimetres . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: and to the southwest past the safari's truck ... truck about ... six or seven centimetres , and along by the field station to the ... west ... around ... ten centimetres , and around the banana tree ... down ... fifteen centimetres ... ... to the bottom of the gold mine , got that ? FOLLOWER: mm so so . GIVER: along to the east ... by the gold mine ... until you get to like ... edge of the gold mine . FOLLOWER: what wh-- how far would that be ? GIVER: ehm about ... ... f-- three centimetres . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: and then ... up ... to the rope bridge . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: and cross the rope bridge , and then ... move round ... down south ... about ... to the giraffes . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: and ... around ... to ... around the giraffes' feet , if you see what i mean ? FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: and along to the ... west ... for about ... six ... no ... 'bout eight centimetres . FOLLOWER: mmhmm right . GIVER: and then ... down to the southwest ... about ... three centimetres . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: and then to the ... west ... about ... eight centimetres 'til the edge of the great lake ... the furthest ... west point of the great lake . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: and then just go round up to the finish . FOLLOWER: what finish ? GIVER: oh ... sorry , ehm up to about ... up to the northwest ... about ... four five centimetres ... that's it . FOLLOWER: mmhmm .