class Acknowledge

This class is used for receiving and processing acknowledgement from Call Agent


  • String waitAckID;
    Transaction Id waiting acknowledgement from Call Agent

  • boolean received;
    if acknowledgement of waitAckID was received, the value of this is true

  • Retransmission retransmissionThread;
    if the value of received flag is false, retransmissionThread retransmits a response datagram


  • public Acknowledge (String TransactionId, boolean recved, Retransmission retThread)
    this constructor initializes:
    TransactionId: TransactionId that isn't received acknowledgement from Call Agent,
    recved: false /* this is for testing now, in up version, this will be erased */
    retThread: if the acknowledgement isn't received yet, the retThread retransmits the response

  • public String getwaitAckID ( )
    returns transaction ID waiting acknowledgement from Call Agent

  • public void setwaitAckID(String TransactionId)
    sets transaction ID waiting acknowledgement from Call Agent

  • public boolean getReceived( )
    returns the status information whether acknowledgement for transaction ID is received

  • public void setReceived(boolean recv)
    sets the received flag

  • public Retransmission getRetThread( )
    return retransmission thread retransmitting response datagram to Call Agent every fixed interval