JDK 1.2 and the Java(tm) Communications API

JDK 1.2 and the Java(tm) Communications API

Version 2.0


As of the time of release of the Java(tm) communications API, limited testing with the lastest pre-release version of JDK 1.2 (RC1) has taken place. The testing has been limited to: can an application run using the Java communications API on JDK 1.2, and can the Java communications API find ports while running on JDK 1.2. A future version of the Java communications API will be tested on JDK 1.2 after a production release of JDK 1.2 is made.

Installing the Java Communications API on JDK 1.2 (RC1)

<jdk> refers to the root directory of your JDK installation. If you installed JDK in c:\jdk1.2 then replace all reference to <jdk> with c:\jdk1.2.

  1. Place the comm.jar in <jdk>\jre\lib\ext.
  2. Place the javax.comm.properties in <jdk>\jre\lib .
  3. Do not alter the CLASSPATH.

Running the Java Communications API on JDK 1.2 (RC1)

Once you have installed the Java communications API you should be able to run applications that take advantage of the Java communications API without further modifications. Use the -cp option to java to indicate the location of the class or jar files for your application:

java -cp c:\myapp\myapp.jar MyApp

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