============================================== Graphical Representation of the Call Processing Language(CPL) using XSLT ============================================== This document contains some pertinent information on using the files that have been submitted with it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using the Xalan XSL Processor for Java with Java Servlets In order to test and run the cpl_graphic.xsl file using the Xalan processor, you must: - Make sure you have a web server that is able to run Java Servlets. - Place the XHTMLGenerator.class in the "servlets" directory of your web server or any other directory that will allow it to run. - Place the xsltester.html file in the directory of your choice(as long as it is publicly available). - In the base directory that xsltester.html is in, create the following directories: - xsl - place the cpl_graphic.xsl document in there. - css - place the global.css file in there. - js - place the global.js file in there. - images - place all the gif and jpg files in there. - help - place the files name address-switch.html, location.html, lookup.html, etc. in this directory. - Open the "path.cfg" file and without any spaces or returns, put in the name of the directory where you have placed the cpl_graphics.xsl file. It should be "http:///xsl/". Basically, this is the URL location of the cpl_graphic.xsl file. Don't forget the last "/" and DO NOT include the name "cpl_graphic.xsl" at the end. Save this path.cfg file into the same directory that you have put XHTMLGenerator.class(this is very important). - Place the Xalan.jar and Xerces.jar files in the "lib" directory of the web server or any other directory that is in the CLASSPATH. - Open the xsltester.html page in a web browser and type in the full path URL of the CPL script you wish to view graphically. - Click transform. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Documents included - cpl_graphic.xsl - the XSLT document - global.css - the Cascading Style Sheet - global.js - the externam JavaScript file - XHTMLGenerator.java - the Java Servlet used for testing - Xalan.jar - the Xalan XSL processor from Apache - Xerces.jar - sister file to Xalan.jar - help html files - in the "help" directory - documentation.html - detailed information on the project - Readme.txt - this file ================================================ Columbia University Department of Computer Science Michael Medric - mfm18@columbia.edu Henning Sculzrinne - hgs@cs.columbia.edu Jonathan Lennox - lennox@cs.columbia.edu