Class ChatPanel

Class ChatPanel


public class ChatPanel
extends Panel

Constructor Index

 o ChatPanel(MenuWindow)

Method Index

 o handleEvent(Event)
multicast socket.
 o insets()
provides an offset placement from the original container
 o processInData(String)
append one to the end of the received string.
 o sendChatStr(String)
user-entered chat string before sending to the network
 o updateRTPSize()
updates the RTP packet size received


 o ChatPanel
  public ChatPanel(MenuWindow parent)


 o updateRTPSize
  public void updateRTPSize()
updates the RTP packet size received
 o processInData
  public void processInData(String chatStr)
append one to the end of the received string.
 o insets
  public Insets insets()
provides an offset placement from the original container
insets in class Container
 o handleEvent
  public boolean handleEvent(Event e)
multicast socket.
handleEvent in class Component
 o sendChatStr
  public void sendChatStr(String str)
user-entered chat string before sending to the network