Class LoginWindow

Class LoginWindow


class LoginWindow
extends Frame
the UserInfo class.

Constructor Index

 o LoginWindow(UserInfo)

Method Index

 o action(Event, Object)
and invokes the main user interface of this application
 o getCName(String, String)
Returns cname.
 o storeFixedUserInfo()
them, together with the Canonical Name into the UserInfo class.
 o storeUserInfo()
Dialog Session
 o updateUserInfo(UserInfo)
Function to update the changed name and email items


 o LoginWindow
  public LoginWindow(UserInfo origin_user_info)


 o getCName
  public String getCName(String userAcctName,
                         String localHostName)
Returns cname.
 o storeFixedUserInfo
  public void storeFixedUserInfo()
them, together with the Canonical Name into the UserInfo class.
 o updateUserInfo
  public void updateUserInfo(UserInfo origin_user_info)
Function to update the changed name and email items
 o storeUserInfo
  public void storeUserInfo()
Dialog Session
 o action
  public boolean action(Event e,
                        Object what)
and invokes the main user interface of this application
action in class Component