Class Oval

Class Oval


public class Oval
extends ObjBaseClass
implements DrawObject, Cloneable

Variable Index

 o baseColors
 o color
 o height
 o id
 o obj_id
 o old_height
 o old_width
 o type
 o width
 o x1
 o y1

Constructor Index

 o Oval(SketchArea)
 o Oval(SketchArea, int)

Method Index

 o assemble(int)
assembles the Oval object's parameters based on application-specific format before calling superclass's BaseClassAssemble for assembling this resulting packet with the RTP header.
 o clean(Graphics)
 o clear(Graphics)
 o clone()
clones a oval object by making an exact copy of this oval object with values equal to the original values, except that the starting and ending points of the newly cloned oval are translated by a value of TRANSLATE_X and TRANSLATE_Y defined in the
 o draw(int, int, int, int, int, int)
 o erase(Graphics, boolean)
 o getObjID()
 o getType()
 o mouseDown(int, int)
 o mouseDrag(int, int)
 o mouseUp(int, int)
 o moveUP(Graphics, int, int)
 o moving(Graphics, int, int)
 o paint(Graphics)
 o processInData(byte[])
retrieves Oval object's parameters from the received packet and display the oval on the drawing canvas of the whiteboard.
 o send()
Sends this oval object across the multicast network


 o x1
  public int x1
 o y1
  public int y1
 o width
  public int width
 o height
  public int height
 o old_width
  public int old_width
 o old_height
  public int old_height
 o type
  public int type
 o id
  public int id
 o color
  public int color
 o baseColors
  public Color baseColors[]
 o obj_id
  public int obj_id


 o Oval
  public Oval(SketchArea parent)
 o Oval
  public Oval(SketchArea parent,
              int c)


 o clone
  public Object clone()
clones a oval object by making an exact copy of this oval object with values equal to the original values, except that the starting and ending points of the newly cloned oval are translated by a value of TRANSLATE_X and TRANSLATE_Y defined in the
a cloned object.
clone in class Object
 o mouseDown
  public boolean mouseDown(int x,
                           int y)
 o mouseUp
  public boolean mouseUp(int x,
                         int y)
 o send
  public void send()
Sends this oval object across the multicast network
 o mouseDrag
  public boolean mouseDrag(int x,
                           int y)
 o clear
  public void clear(Graphics g)
 o moving
  public void moving(Graphics g,
                     int x,
                     int y)
 o moveUP
  public void moveUP(Graphics g,
                     int x,
                     int y)
 o clean
  public void clean(Graphics g)
 o erase
  public void erase(Graphics g,
                    boolean send_del_req)
 o paint
  public void paint(Graphics g)
 o assemble
  public void assemble(int ObjectType)
assembles the Oval object's parameters based on application-specific format before calling superclass's BaseClassAssemble for assembling this resulting packet with the RTP header. This function is called by mouseUp Event.
 o processInData
  public void processInData(byte buf[])
retrieves Oval object's parameters from the received packet and display the oval on the drawing canvas of the whiteboard.
buf - buffer that holds parameters in the form of byte array.
 o getType
  public int getType()
 o getObjID
  public int getObjID()
 o draw
  public void draw(int xx1,
                   int yy1,
                   int xx2,
                   int yy2,
                   int col,
                   int obj_id_recvd)