Class RTP_Thread

Class RTP_Thread


class RTP_Thread
extends Thread
RTP Thread is subclassed from the Java Thread class. The thread loops while receiving datagram packet from the receiver multicast socket. Packet received is segmented using the disassemble function of the RTP Packet Handler before passing on to the Data Handler for dispatching to either the Chat Tool or Whiteboard module for further processing.

Constructor Index

 o RTP_Thread(MenuWindow)
Constructor function

Method Index

 o run()
run() function of thread is overwritten for receiving and disassembling datagram packets
 o stopthread()
Terminates RTP receiver thread


 o RTP_Thread
  public RTP_Thread(MenuWindow parent)
Constructor function


 o run
  public void run()
run() function of thread is overwritten for receiving and disassembling datagram packets
run in class Thread
 o stopthread
  public void stopthread()
Terminates RTP receiver thread