Class SenderMCSocket

Class SenderMCSocket


class SenderMCSocket
extends Object
Class implements sender multicast socket based on the, since JDK 1.1b wasn't officially released at the time this project has been developed

Constructor Index

 o SenderMCSocket(String, int, byte)
Constructor for class.

Method Index

 o sendByteData(byte[])
creates datagram packet to contain the byte array data before sending through the multicast socket


 o SenderMCSocket
  public SenderMCSocket(String mcAddr,
                        int port,
                        byte ttl)
Constructor for class. accepts mcAddr in String format, port number and ttl value. The mcAddr will be converted to InetAddress which is required by the SendByteData function


 o sendByteData
  public void sendByteData(byte data_byte[])
creates datagram packet to contain the byte array data before sending through the multicast socket