Class SuperSettingWindow

Class SuperSettingWindow


public class SuperSettingWindow
extends Frame
Class for the popup window associated with the supervisor option on the sub menu. Allows users to change the session bandwidth. This is much more for experimenting and demo purposes to illustrate the effect of a change in bandwidth on the RTCP transmission interval.

Constructor Index

 o SuperSettingWindow(String, MenuWindow)
Constructor function for building the user interface

Method Index

 o action(Event, Object)
Event handler for traping ACTIO_EVENT on the OK button, after which the entered bandwidth values is stored into the StateInfo class of the user


 o SuperSettingWindow
  public SuperSettingWindow(String title,
                            MenuWindow parent)
Constructor function for building the user interface


 o action
  public boolean action(Event e,
                        Object what)
Event handler for traping ACTIO_EVENT on the OK button, after which the entered bandwidth values is stored into the StateInfo class of the user
action in class Component