Class UserPanel

Class UserPanel


public class UserPanel
extends Panel
OK button.

Constructor Index

 o UserPanel(MenuWindow)

Method Index

 o handleEvent(Event)
information received.
 o insets()
Provides offset of the user panel from the boundary
 o removeFmList(int)
 o updateUserList(String, UserInfo)
as the unique key for the hashtable.
 o updateUserPanel()
latest list of particpating users.


 o UserPanel
  public UserPanel(MenuWindow parent)


 o updateUserList
  public void updateUserList(String cname,
                             UserInfo other_users_info)
as the unique key for the hashtable.
 o removeFmList
  public void removeFmList(int SSRC)
 o updateUserPanel
  public void updateUserPanel()
latest list of particpating users.
 o insets
  public Insets insets()
Provides offset of the user panel from the boundary
insets in class Container
 o handleEvent
  public boolean handleEvent(Event e)
information received.
handleEvent in class Component