Deep Learning
Boston University - Fall 2022
Course staff and office hours
Wednesday 4-5pm, MCS 200C: Prof. Iddo Drori
Thursday 11am-12pm, MCS 103: Teaching Fellow, Vitali Petsiuk
Grader, Yida Xin
Grader, Wenda Qin
Enrolled students receive a free online version
First Day of Classes (Tuesday, September 6)
Part I: Foundations
Lecture 1 (Tuesday, September 6): Introduction
Lecture 2 (Thursday, September 8): Forward and Backpropagation
Lecture 3 (Tuesday, September 13): Optimization
Lecture 4 (Thursday, September 15): Regularization
Part II: Architectures
Lecture 5 (Tuesday, September 20): Convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
Lecture 6 (Thursday, September 22): Sequence models (RNNs, LSTM, GRU)
Lecture 7 (Tuesday, September 27): Graph neural networks (GNNs)
Lecture 8 (Thursday, September 29): Transformers
Part III: Reinforcement Learning
Lecture 9 (Tuesday, October 4): Markov decision processes
Lecture 10 (Thursday, October 6): Reinforcement learning
Lecture 11 (Thursday, October 13): Deep reinforcement learning
Part IV: Generative Models
Lecture 12 (Tuesday, October 18): Deep reinforcement learning
Lecture 13 (Thursday, October 20): Imperfect information games
Lecture 14 (Tuesday, October 25): Generative adversarial networks
Lecture 15 (Thursday, October 27): Variational autoencoders
Lecture 16 (Tuesday, November 1): Diffusion models
Part V: Meta Learning
Lecture 17 (Thursday, November 3): Automated machine learning
Lecture 18 (Tuesday, November 8): Multi-task and online learning
Lecture 19 (Thursday, November 10): Meta and transfer learning
Part VI
Lecture 20 (Tuesday, November 15): Winning the NeurIPS 2022 Neural MMO Challenge
Lecture 21 (Thursday, November 17): Deep learning for education
Lecture 22 (Tuesday, November 22): Deep learning for climate science
Thanksgiving recess, academic holiday, no classes (Wednesday, November 23 - Sunday, November 27)
Lecture 23 (Tuesday, November 29): Quantum computing
Lecture 24 (Thursday, December 1): Deep learning for quantum computing
Lecture 25 (Tuesday, December 6): Presentations
Lecture 26 (Thursday, December 8): Presentations
Last Day of Classes (Monday, December 12)
Exercises: quiz and programming homework
Exercise 1: Forward and Backpropagation
Exercise 2: Optimization
Exercise 3: CNN's
Exercise 4: RNN's
Exercise 5: GNN's
Exercise 6: RL
Exercise 7: GAN's
Exercise 8: VAE's
Exercise 9: Meta learning
Exercise 10: Transformers
Tutorial 1: PyTorch
Tutorial 2: Neural MMO Challenge
Tutorial 3: Keras
Tutorial 4: CNN's with TensorFlow
Tutorial 5: RNN's
Tutorial 6:, GNN library
Tutorial 7: RLlib, reinforcement learning library
Tutorial 8:, Transformers library,
Tutorial 9:, probabilistic programming library
Tutorial 10:, meta learning library