Deep Learning
Columbia University - Fall 2018
Class is held in Mudd 1127, Mon and Wed 7:10-8:25pm
Office hours (Monday-Friday)
Monday 5-7pm, CEPSR 620: Lecturer, Iddo Drori
Thursday 2-4pm, Mudd TA room: Course Assistant, Isht Dwivedi
Wednesday 10-12, Mudd TA room: Course Assistant, Jerome Kafrouni
Friday 2-4pm, Mudd TA room: Course Assistant, Robert Kwiatkowski
Tuesday 3-5pm, Mudd TA room: Course Assistant, Chenqin Xu
First Day of Classes (Tuesday, September 4)
Lecture 1 (Wednesday, September 5): Introduction
Lecture 2 (Monday, September 10): Differentiable Programming
Lecture 3 (Wednesday, September 12): Optimization
Lecture 4 (Monday, September 17): Convolutional Neural Networks
Lecture 5 (Wednesday, September 19): Convolutional Neural Networks
Lecture 6 (Monday, September 24): Sequence Models
Lecture 7 (Wednesday, September 26): Sequence Models
Competition (Wednesday, Sep. 26 - Wednesday, Oct. 10): Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
Winners and course staff published in NeurIPS workshop 2018.
Lecture 8 (Monday, October 1): Generative Models
Lecture 9 (Wednesday, October 3): Generative Models
Lecture 10 (Monday, October 8): Deep Learning Theory
Lecture 11 (Wednesday, October 10): Deep Learning Theory
Lecture 12 (Monday, October 15): Reinforcement Learning
Lecture 13 (Wednesday, October 17): Deep Reinforcement Learning
Lecture 14 (Monday, October 22): Deep Reinforcement Learning
Lecture 15 (Wednesday, October 24): Deep Learning in Games, Imperfect Information Games
Lecture 16 (Monday, October 29): Neural Network Architectures
Lecture 17 (Wednesday, October 31): Exploration
Academic Holiday (Monday, November 5)
Election Day, University Holiday (Tuesday, November 6)
Lecture 18 (Wednesday, November 7): Deep Learning in Bioinformatics
Lecture 19 (Monday, November 12): Automatic Machine Learning
Lecture 20 (Wednesday, November 14): Automatic Machine Learning
Lecture 21 (Monday, November 19): Bayesian Deep Learning
Academic Holiday (Wednesday, November 21)
Thanksgiving Day, University Holiday (Thursday, November 22)
University Holiday (Friday, November 23)
Lecture 22 (Monday, November 26): Program Induction
Lecture 23 (Wednesday, November 28): Evaluating Go-Explore
Lecture 24 (Monday, December 3): Deep Models for Sight and Sound
Lecture 25 (Wednesday, December 5): AlphaFold and Guest Lecture
Lecture 26 Last Day of Class (Monday, December 10): Projects Posters Session
Locations: CSB 452/453, Mudd 1127
3-4pm: Preparations and food in CS lounge
4:30-6:00pm: Posters Session I: in CS lounge and conference room
7:00-8:30pm: Posters Session II: in class
Christmas Day, University Holiday (Tuesday, December 25)