Deep Learning
New York University - Spring 2019
Class is held in 2MTC 9011, Mon 6:00-8:30pm
Office hours
Monday 4-5pm, 2MTC 10.051: Lecturer, Iddo Drori
Tuesday 11-12pm, 2MTC 10.098A: Teaching Assistant, Gauri Sarode
Spring 2019 classes begin (Monday, January 28)
Lecture 1 (Monday, January 28): Introduction, forward and back-propagation
Lecture 2 (Monday, February 4): CNN's, Optimization, Regularization
Lecture 3 (Monday, February 11): Sequence Models
Presidents' day, no classes scheduled (Monday, February 18)
Lecture 4 (Monday, February 25): Generative Models
Snow day, no classes (Monday, March 4)
Lecture 5 (Monday, March 11): Generative Models, Adversarial Examples, Uncertainty
Spring recess (Monday, March 18 to Sunday, March 24)
Lecture 6 (Monday, March 25): Reinforcement Learning
Lecture 7 (Monday, April 1): Deep Reinforcement Learning
Lecture 8 (Monday, April 8): Deep Reinforcement Learning, Advanced Sequence Models
Lecture 9 (Monday, April 15): Bayesian Deep Learning, Automatic Deep Learning
Lecture 10 (Monday, April 22): Graph Neural Networks, Few Shot Learning
Lecture 11 (Monday, April 29): Deep Learning for Self Driving Cars
Lecture 12 (class instead of snow day): Quantum Neural Networks
Lecture 13 (Monday, May 6): Deep Learning Applications
Lecture 14 (Monday, May 13): Project presentations
Last day of Spring 2019 classes (Monday, May 13)