CSW 4701: Artificial Intelligence
Homework Grading Policy
Homework should be turned in during
class on the day it is due or electronically following the instructions from
the TA's. You will need to hand in the source code for the project, relevant documentation, and a script
of a test run of your program to show that it actually works.
Your assignments will be graded
according to the following General criteria unless otherwise specifically
changed for a particular assignment:
Correctness 75%
Design/Structure 15%
Documentation 10%
We will usually provide a test suite
with each assignment. You will need to run your program on the test suite, and
hand in a log of the output. The test script will help us determine the
correctness of your program.
The documentation will help us assess
the structure, design, and efficiency of your program. Documentation need not
be encyclopedic, but should succinctly describe the structure and design of
your program. Normally, a page or so will suffice. Of course, we expect to see
comments in the source code as well.
Late Policy
If a project is incomplete on its due
date and is handed in after its due date, 10 points are immediately deducted,
and 10 additional points per day is deducted for each
day late (at a rate of 10/24 points per hour). No project will be accepted for grading at the due date for the next
Academic Honest Policy
The Department of Computer Science has
approved a new "Academic Honesty Policy" that you should read and
understand. We shall follow the guidelines of that policy in a disciplined
Click here to see the
department’s webpage. Please read it fully.
As a personal word of advice, please do not copy any one else's work and
misrepresent it as your own, ever.