TOPICS IN MOBILE COMPUTINGCOMS E6998, Dept of Computer Science, Columbia University
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The dates for each paper presentation are listed below. For each paper, a student or group of students will be asked to present the paper. The presentation should present a technical overview of the paper and argue the merits and flaws of the paper. Each paper presentation should be 25-30 minutes, plus time for questions. There will be 2 paper presentations per class. All students are required to read the papers before they are presented.

Presentations will be graded based on apparent understanding of the material in the paper, presentation style, and entertainment value. All students will be expected to make paper presentations. To avoid being assigned a paper that you do not want to present, you should volunteer early for your paper selection. If a paper has not yet been assigned two student presenters and you would like to volunteer to present it, just send email to the instructor to sign up.

In creating your presentations, you are free to use any additional material beyond the content of the paper. For instance, you can reference other papers that may discuss similar work. However, the presentation should represent your own viewpoint, and you should clearly cite any other work you use for your presentations. Failure to make proper citations will adversely affect your presentation grade.

The class will be held in an AcIS Electronic Classroom and we strongly encourage you to use the presentation equipment available there. This link describes the facilities available. You may also use other presentation media, but you will be responsible for providing your own A/V equipment.

January 22 - First day of class

January 29
February 5
February 12
February 19
February 26
March 5
March 12 - Midterm project presentations
March 19 - Spring break, no class
March 26 - no class
April 2
April 9
April 16

  • Hyojun Kim, Nitin Agrawal, and Cristian Ungureanu, "Revisiting Storage for Smartphones", Proceedings of the Tenth USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, San Jose, CA, February 2012.

  • Kurtis Heimerl, Kashif Ali, Joshua Blumenstock, Brian Gawalt and Eric Brewer, "Expanding Rural Cellular Networks with Virtual Coverage", Proceedings of the Tenth USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, Lombard, IL, April 2013.
April 23 - Final project presentations
April 30 - Final project presentations

Jason Nieh,