Homework 1

Due: Friday, July 12 at 11:59PM

Submission: On Courseworks


Complete the following assignment and submit on courseworks in either doc, docx, or pdf format. If you complete the assignment on pen/paper, please create a word or pdf document using clear images or scans of your physical copy.

1. Binary

What are the values, in decimal, of the bytes:


if they are interpreted as 8-bit:

Show your work for all calculations.

2. Binary Addition

Show how to compute:

5 - 9

using 5 bit:

Show your work for all calculations.

3. Truth Tables

Fill in the following truth table

a = (X + Y̅)(X + Y + Z)(X̅ + Z̅)
b = XZ̅ + XY + X̅ Y̅ Z̅
X Y Z a b
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1

Show all intermediate terms (e.g. (X + Y̅), etc).

4. Minterms and Maxterms

Convert (3a) to its minterm representation

Convert (3b) to its maxterm representation

5. Karnaugh Maps

Convert (3a) to minimal sum-of-products (kmap, show work)

Convert (3b) to minimal product-of-sums (kmap, show work)

6. Schematics

Implement (3a) using only 3-input NAND gates (NAND3)

7. More KMaps

Write the Karnaugh map and minimal sum-of-products representation for the 7 segment display section e