16:198:671 Privacy in a Networked World

16:198:671 Privacy in a Networked World

Prof. Rebecca Wright
Rutgers University
Fall 2008

Time: Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:00pm - 6:20pm
Location: CoRE Building, Room 301 (CoRE A)

Presentation Schedule

Date Presenter(s) Project Scheduled time
Wednesday, December 3 Saman Identity Management in Web 2.0 and Privacy 5:00 - 5:30
Monday, December 8 Pravin Privately Querying Location-based Services with SybilQuery 5:00 - 5:30
Monday, December 8 Chih-Cheng and Qian Protecting Privacy from Malicious Browser Extensions via Information Flow 5:35 - 6:20
Wednesday, December 10 Brian and Huijun Design and Implementation of Privacy-Preserving Technologies 5:00 - 5:45

Single presenters should prepare about 25 minutes of material.
Pair presenters should prepare about 40 minutes of material.
This allows about 5 minutes for questions during and/or after the presentations.

Make sure to prepare, practice, and revise your presentations in advance.
Here is some additional advice that people have given on how to give a research presentation:

Last updated 12/8/08 by
rebecca.wright (at) rutgers.edu
Copyright © 2008 Rebecca N. Wright