Stephen A. Edwards Columbia University Crown
COMS W4995 002
Parallel Functional Programming
Fall 2022

General Information

Class meets Mondays, Wednesdays 5:40 - 6:55 PM in 451 CSB.


Name Email Office hours Location
Prof. Stephen A. Edwards by appointment
Christopher Yoon T 8-9P, F 3-4P Zoom (T); 1fl. Mudd TA room (F)
Leo (Feitong) Qiao W, Th 2-3P Zoom
Emily Sillars M 10-11A, 8-9P 1fl. Mudd TA room (10-11A); Zoom (8-9P)


Prerequisites: COMS 3157 Advanced Programming or the equivalent. Knowledge of at least one programming language and related development tools/environments required. Functional programming experience not required.

Functional programming in Haskell, with an emphasis on parallel programs.

The goal of this class is to introduce you to the functional programming paradigm. You will learn to code in Haskell; this experience will also prepare you to code in other functional languages. The first half the the class will cover basic (single-threaded) functional programming; the second half will cover how to code parallel programs in a functional setting.


Date Lecture Notes Due
Wed Sep 7 Introduction
Basic Haskell
Mon Sep 12 (Basics contd.)
Wed Sep 14 Types and Pattern Matching
Mon Sep 19 (Types contd.)
Wed Sep 21 Typeclasses and Polymorphism
Sun Sep 25 (no lecture; turn in homework)
Homework 1 .hs filehw1.hs
Mon Sep 26 (Typeclasses contd.)
Wed Sep 28 Recursion and Higher Order Functions
Mon Oct 3 (Recursion contd.)
Wed Oct 5 Using and Defining Modules
Sun Oct 9 (no lecture; turn in homework)
Homework 2 .hs filehw2.hs
Mon Oct 10 I/O
Wed Oct 12 Functors
Mon Oct 17 (Functors contd.)
Wed Oct 19 Monads
Sun Oct 23 (no lecture; turn in homework)
Homework 3 .hs filehw3.hs
Mon Oct 24 (Monads contd.)
Wed Oct 26 (Monads contd.)
Mon Oct 31 Lazy and Parallel Evaluation
Wed Nov 2 Strategies
Sun Nov 6 (no lecture; turn in homework)
Homework 4 .zip
Mon Nov 7 Election Day Holiday
Wed Nov 9 (Strategies contd.)
Mon Nov 14 (Strategies contd.)
Wed Nov 16 The Par Monad
The Haskell Tool Stack
Sun Nov 20 (no lecture; turn in homework)
Homework 5 .zip
Mon Nov 21 Repa: Regular Parallel Arrays
Wed Nov 23 Thanksgiving Holiday
Mon Nov 28 Accelerate: GPU Arrays
Project Proposal
Wed Nov 30 The Lambda Calculus
Mon Dec 5 (Lambda contd.)
Wed Dec 7
Mon Dec 12
Wed Dec 21 Final Project Report and Presentations


connect4: Connect 4 AI
pdfProposal pdfReport ArchiveFiles
Gregory Fu
PageRank: Map-Reduce applications
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Jeremy Carin

Brandon Cruz
AmazonSearch: Minimax search for Mancala (CY)
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Chance Onyiorah
Apriori1: ECLAT + Max-Miner (CY)
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Daniel Indictor
Apriori2: Data Mining: Frequent Itemset (CY)
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Yihan Yin
autocomplete2: Parallel Autocomplete (CY)
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Eugene Kim
BTree: Sudoku solver (CY)
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Ari An and Xinyao Peng
CollabFilter: Item-based Collaborative Filtering (Movie recommendations) (CY)
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Hsing-Wen Hsu
inf-max: Hascade: influence maximization problem (CY)
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Yiming Fang
N-GramAutoComplete: Predictive Text Autocomplete (CY)
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Sebastian Hereu and Elisa Luo
ParPriori: Apriori algorithm (CY)
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Evan Li and Claire Liu
ParWordle: Parallel Wordle (CY)
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Zachary Coeur and Sanjay Rajasekharan
WordHunt: (CY)
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Allison Liu
Wordle: Parallel Wordle Solver (CY)star
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Jennifer Wang
WordSearch: Word search in a grid (CY)
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Swetha Shanmugam
6Degrees: 6 degrees of separation testing (ES)star
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Casey Olsen and Jorge Raad
AStar: OSM Parallel A* Search (ES)
pdfProposal pdfReport tar.xz-Files
Donghan Kim
BananaSolve: Bananagram solver (ES)
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Shai Goldman and Aaron Priven
ConvexHull: Parallel Convex Hull (ES)star
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Andrei Coman
Fleet: Parallel N-Queens (ES)
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Martin Ristovski and Anastasija Tortevska
MazeSolver: A* Search Algorithm (ES)
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Reid Jesselson
PolInc: Political Inclination in Social Networks (ES)
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Sai Teja Reddy Moolamalla and Vikram Waradpande
Scrabble: Word Search (ES)
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Helen Chu and Alexander Lindenbaum
TSK: Traveling Salesman with K-Means (ES)
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Matthew Goodman and Ashar Nadeem
TSP: Traveling Salesman (ES)
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Trikay Nalamada and Joseph Parker IV
WordLadder: Parallel Word Ladder Search (ES)
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Aruj Jain and Benjamin Magid
Chess: Chess Position Evaluator (LQ)
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Michael Lee
Connect4: Minimax solver for the Connect4 game (LQ)
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Beza Amsalu and Miira Efrem
Gomoku: Gomoku solver (LQ)
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Danny Hou
Go: The Game of Gomoku (LQ)
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Matthew Retchin
Kalah: Min-Max Kalah Game AI (LQ)star
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David Cendejas and Haruki Gonai
MCTS: A Library for General Game Playing (LQ)
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Jose Ramos
ParBoids: Bird Flight Simulator (LQ)
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Catelen Wu and Ethan Wu
ParVarys: Coflow Scheduling (LQ)
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Etesam Ansari and Yunlan Li
qiang: Boolean SAT Solver (LQ)
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Wei Qiang
Vigenere: Crypto (LQ)
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Alex Nicita
WebScraper: (LQ)
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Jack Wang
YTM: Yield to Maturity Calculations (LQ)
pdfProposal tgz-Report
Anjali Smith
FordFulkerson: Max-flow Min-cut algorithm (SE)
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Jiayuan Li
GRNPar: Gene Regulation Network Inference (SE)
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William Das and Anushka Gupta
ParBnC: Integer Linear Program Solver (SE)
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Weixi Zhuo
Joins: Parallel Database Joins (SE)
pdfProposal pdfReport tar.xz-Files
Amery Chang
Nonollel: Nonogram Solver (SE)
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Jason Eriksen and Xurxo Riesco Perez
ParBag: Bootstrap Aggregation/Bagging learning algorithm (SE)
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Joshua Hahn
ParticleTrack: Particle Collider Track Detection (SE)
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Lukas Arnold and Brendan Cunnie
RandomForest: ID3 Decision Trees (SE)
Shaun Kim
SubsetConstruction: Subset Construction: NFA to DFA (SE)
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Alexis Gadonneix and Nikhil Mehta

star My favorites

The Project

The project should be a parallel implementation of some algorithm/technique in Haskell. Marlow parallelizes a Sudoku solver and a K-means clustering algorithm in his book; these are baseline projects. I am looking for something more sophisticated than these, but not dramatically more complicated.

Do the project alone or in pairs. List all your names and UNIs in the proposal and final report

There are three deliverables:

  1. A one- or two-page proposal that gives the TAs and me an inda of what you plan to do so we can give you feedback about restricting or increasing the scope. Upload a PDF file to Courseworks describing your project and team members, if any.
  2. A report describing your project: what you implemented and how, some performance figures indicating how much better your solution runs in parallel (e.g., time its execution on one core and compare that to running it on multiple cores), and a full listing of the code you wrote. Upload a multi-page PDF file to Courseworks; due during Finals Week.
  3. Along with your report, submit a .tar.gz file including the code and test cases for your project. Make it so I can compile and run it, perhaps by including a README file with instructions for running it with the Haskell Stack. Due with the repot.

Strive for a little well-written, well-tested program that handles everything gracefully rather than a large, feature-filled system. If you're short on time, drop a feature in preference to improving the code you have.

Other project ideas include any sort of map/reduce application, graphics rendering, physical simulation (e.g., particles), parallel grep or word count, a Boolean satisfiability solver, or your favorite NP-complete problem. If your program is algorithmically simple (e.g., word count or word frequency count), it need to scale to huge inputs. AI (as opposed to machine learning) applications, such as game playing algorithms, are generally a good idea. Algorithms that have a lot of matrix multiplication at their core (e.g., deep learning) are less suitable.

Feel free to ask the instructor or TAs for project advice or criticism

