Central Park
Map Index
January 2025
Long-eared owl
Great blue heron
American goldfinch
Red-breasted nuthatch
White-throated sparrow
December 2024
White-breasted nuthatch
Carolina wren
Purple finch (female)
Fox sparrow
October 2024
Yellow-billed cuckoo
Blue-winged teal
Green-winged teal
September 2024
Northern waterthrush
Black-and-white warbler
Northern flicker
Great blue heron
Scarlet tanager (female)
Common yellowthroat
Grey catbird
Black-and-white warbler
Black-throated blue warbler (female)
Northern cardinal
Rose-breasted grosbeak (female)
Great blue heron
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Grey squirrel
Common yellowthroat
August 2024
Olive-sided flycatcher
Carolina wren
Solitary sandpiper
May 2024
Reflecting on things I cannot see…
Red-winged blackbird (male)
Red-bellied woodpecker
Scarlet tanager (male)
Northern cardinal (female)
Grey catbird
Common yellowthroat (female)
House sparrow; starling
Spotted sandpiper
Black-and-white warbler
Bay-breasted warbler
Grey catbird
Great egret
Double-crested cormorant
Grey catbird
Rose-breasted grosbeak (female)
scarlet tanager (male)
Northern parula
Scarlet tanager (female)
April 2024
Northern flicker
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Hermit thrush
Great egret
Double-crested cormorant
Tree swallow
Great egret
Yellow-rumped warbler
Golden-crowned kinglet
Palm warbler
Hermit thrush
Red-winged blackbird
Eastern towhee
White-throated sparrow
Black-and-white warbler
Rusty blackbird
March 2024
Winter wren
Green-winged teal
Eastern phoebe
Northern mockingbird
February 2024
Bufflehead (male)
Bufflehead (female)
American robin
Green-winged teal (male)
White-throated sparrow
Northern cardinal (female)
Northern cardinal (male)
January 2024
Cooper's hawk
Ruddy duck
Wood duck (male); mallard (female)
Wood duck (male)
Red-breasted merganser
Hooded merganser (female)
Hooded merganser (male)
Pied-billed grebe
American coot
Peregrine falcon
Long-eared owl
Green-winged teal (male)
Green-winged teal (female)
Long-eared owl
Bald eagle; gull
Building skeleton
Fountain rainbow
Wood duck (male)
Herring gull
Wood duck (male)
Ruddy duck
Flaco, the Eurasian eagle owl
Lesser scaup
Double-crested cormorant
Great blue heron; mallards
Red-bellied woodpecker
White-throated sparrow
Green-winged teal (female)
Green-winged teal (male)
Double-crested cormorant
Hooded merganser
December 2023
Red-bellied woodpecker
Golden-crowned kinglet
Green-winged teal (male)
November 2023
Northern mockingbird
Winter wren
Red-bellied woodpecker
October 2023
Swamp sparrow
Common yellowthroat
Hermit thrush
Turkey vulture
Green-winged teal
Black and white warbler
Northern parula
Flaco, the Eurasian eagle owl
September 2023
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Flaco, the Eurasian eagle owl
Red-tailed hawk
Solitary sandpiper
Wilson's warbler
American redstart
Blackpoll warbler
Great egret
American redstart
Red-eyed vireo
Northern waterthrush
Empidonax-genus flycatcher (alder or willow)
Magnolia warbler
Flaco, the Eurasian eagle owl
Flaco's feather
July 2023
Red-tailed hawk
Black-crowned night heron
Eurasian Eagle Owl
Red-tailed hawk
Double-crested cormorant
June 2023
April 2023
Black-crowned night heron
Great horned owl
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Double-crested cormorant
White-throated sparrow
Hermit thrush
Northern cardinal (female)
Chipping sparrow
Red-winged blackbird (male)
March 2023
Northern cardinal (female)
Northern cardinal (male)
European starling
Eurasian eagle owl
Black-capped chickadee
Some sort of winged creature…
Redhead duck
Tufted titmouse
Northern cardinal (female)
Northern cardinal (male)
Red-winged blackbird
Flaco, the Eurasian eagle owl
February 2023
Red-tailed hawks (juvenile)
Red-tailed hawk
Belted kingfisher (male)
Red-tailed hawk
Red-bellied woodpecker
Red-tailed hawk
Redhead duck
Flaco, a Eurasian eagle owl
January 2023
Tufted titmouse
Cooper's hawk
Northern cardinal (male)
American goldfinch
Northern cardinal (female)
Red-tailed hawk
Ruddy duck (female)
American coot
Yellow-bellied sapsucker (male)
Northern cardinal (female)
American goldfinch
White-breasted nuthatch
Redhead duck
Red-tailed hawk
Ruddy duck
Red-bellied woodpecker
Cooper's hawk
Downy woodpecker
Northern cardinal (male)
Northern cardinal (female)
White-breasted nuthatch
Tufted titmouse
Redhead duck
Red-bellied woodpecker
Cooper's hawk
House sparrow
Bufflehead duck (female)
Redhead duck
December 2022
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
Northern saw-whet owl
Red-tailed hawk
White-breasted nuthatch
Herring gull
Great black-backed gull
Cooper's hawk
Barred owl
Red-tailed hawk
Great horned owl
November 2022
Tufted titmouse
Northern shoveler
October 2022
Midtown Manhattan
Great horned owl
Great horned owl; tufted titmouse
Great horned owl
Great horned owl; bluejay
Tufted titmouse
Blue-headed vireo
Tufted titmouse
Song sparrow
Black-crowned night heron (juvenile)
Black-crowned night heron
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Yellow-rumped warbler
Grasshopper sparrow
White-breasted nuthatch
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Grey catbird
Common yellowthroat
Ruby-crowned kinglet
White-throated sparrow
Eastern phoebe
Double-crested cormorant
September 2022
Red-tailed hawk (juvenile)
Common yellowthroat
Northern cardinal (female)
Northern cardinal (male)
Grey catbird
Northern parula
European starling
Grey catbird
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Northern cardinal (female)
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Common yellowthroat
Swainson's thrush
Black-crowned night heron
Red-eyed vireo
Magnolia warbler (female)
American redstart (female)
Black-crowned night heron
Great blue heron
American redstart (male)
Sachem butterfly
Monarch butterfly
American redstart (female)
Northern cardinal (female)
Magnolia warbler
American redstart (female)
Solitary sandpiper
Canada warbler
Northern waterthrush
Black-billed cuckoo
Black-crowned night heron
August 2022
Cedar waxwing
Great horned owl
Eastern kingbird
Blue-winged teal
Cooper's hawk
Northern waterthrush
Downy woodpecker
Northern cardinarl
Grey catbird
Double-crested cormorant
June 2022
House sparrow
American robins (chicks)
Eastern kingbird
Black-crowned night heron (juvenile)
May 2022
Great horned owl
Eastern cottontail
Northern cardinal (male)
Cedar waxwing; house sparrow
Eastern wood-peewee
Red-tailed hawk
Great egret
Cedar waxwing
Black-crowned night heron
Double-crested cormorant
Green heron
Solitary sandpiper
Spotted sandpiper; solitary sandpiper; red-eared slider
Solitary sandpiper; red-eared sliders
Spotted sandpiper
Red-tailed hawk
Yellow-rumped warbler
Black-and-white warbler
Red-headed woodpecker
Red-tailed hawk
Barn swallow
Double-crested cormorant
Canada goose; goslings
Black-crowned night heron
Red-tailed hawk
Double-crested cormorant
Black-throated blue warbler (female)
Black-throated blue warbler (male)
Red-headed woodpecker
Northern flicker
Red-headed woodpecker
Northern flicker
Red-bellied woodpecker
Grey catbird
Magnolia warbler
Common yellowthroat
Northern waterthrush
American robin
Black-and-white warbler
American redstart
Northern rough-winged swallow
Swainson's thrush
April 2022
Double-crested cormorant
Yellow-rumped warbler
Prothonotary warbler
Black-crowned night heron
Double-crested cormorant
Ruddy duck
Eastern phoebe
Black-crowned night heron
Northern flicker
Great horned owl
Pine warbler
Eastern phoebe
Palm warbler
Golden-crowned kinglet
White-throated sparrow
Great egret
Double-crested cormorant
Red-winged blackbird
Northern shoveler
March 2022
American kestrel
Northern cardinal (male)
White-throated sparrow
Red-bellied woodpecker
Red-winged blackbird
Ring-necked duck
Downy woodpecker
Red-tailed hawk
Ring-necked duck
Red-tailed hawk
Northern cardinal (female)
White-throated sparrow
Downy woodpecker
Northern cardinal (male)
Red-tailed hawk
Brown creeper
February 2022
Red-winged blackbird
Downy woodpecker
Northern cardinal
Wood duck (male); mallard (female)
American coot
Snow goose
Great horned owl
Cooper's hawk
Wood duck (male)
Dark-eyed junco
Northern cardinal (male)
Northern cardinal (female)
Ring-billed gull
Red-tailed hawk
Northern shoveler
Hooded merganser
Wood duck; mallard
Ruddy duck
Great blue heron
Downy woodpecker
Cooper's hawk
American coot
Wood duck
Green-winged teal
Red-bellied woodpecker
Downy woodpecker
Red-bellied woodpecker
Northern cardinal (male)
White-throated sparrow
Hooded merganser
Red-tailed hawk
Northern flicker
January 2022
Red-tailed hawk
Great horned owl
Peregrine falcon
December 2021
Red-shouldered hawk
Great blue heron
Cooper's hawk
November 2021
Wood duck (male)
Northern shoveler (male)
Hairy woodpecker
American coot
Hooded merganser
Cedar waxwing
Wood duck
Northern shoveler
Dark-eyed junco
Ruddy duck
American coot
White-throated sparrow
Downy woodpecker
October 2021
Wood duck; gadwall
Wood duck
Green-winged teal
American kestrel
Eastern phoebe
Northern shoveler
Black-crowned night heron
Eastern towhee
Great horned owl
Swainson's thrush; wood thrush
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
Magnolia warbler
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Magnolia warbler
Eastern wood peewee
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
Black-and-white warbler
September 2021
Common yellowthroat
Black-crowned night heron
Northern parula
Common yellowthroat
Black-and-white warbler
Black-crowned night heron
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Northern flicker
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Red-tailed hawk (juvenile)
American kestrel
Monarch butterfly
Black-crowned night heron
July 2021
Great blue heron
Black-crowned night heron (juvenile)
Black-crowned night heron
Black-crowned night heron (juvenile)
Black-crowned night heron
House sparrow
June 2021
Great egret
Black-crowned night heron
Black-crowned night heron
Northern cardinal (male)
April 2021
Red-bellied woodpecker
Common yellowthroat
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Yellow-rumped warbler
Black and white warbler
Northern cardinal (female)
Evening grosbeak
Hermit thrush
Red-tailed hawk
House sparrow
Red-tailed hawk
White-throated sparrow
Great horned owl
Kentucky warbler
Northern cardinal (male)
White-throated sparrow
White-breasted nuthatch
Hermit thrush
Red-tailed hawk (juvenile)
Northern parula
Red-bellied woodpecker
Barred owl
Red-winged blackbird
Rough-winged swallow
American coot
Ruddy duck
Double-crested cormorant
White-throated sparrow
House sparrow (leucistic?)
Red-bellied woodpecker
Great blue heron
Red-tailed hawk
March 2021
Great blue heron
Barred owl
American goldfinch
Great blue heron
Red-winged blackbird
Northern shoveler
Tufted titmouse
Red-tailed hawk
Northern shoveler
Barred owl
Red-breasted nuthatch
White-throated sparrow
February 2021
Snowy owl
House sparrow
Red-tailed hawk
Northern cardinal (female)
Great blue heron
Northern cardinal (male)
House sparrow
Northern cardinal (male)
Great blue heron
Black-capped chickadee
Tufted titmouse
Downy woodpecker and house sparrow
January 2021
Tufted titmouse
Red-tailed hawk (juvenile)
Tufted titmouse and American goldfinch
Northern cardinal (female)
Tufted titmouse and White-throated sparrow
Tufted titmouse
White-throated sparrow
Tufted titmouse
Red-bellied woodpecker
American coot
Great blue heron
Greater white-fronted goose
Hooded merganser and American coot
Hooded merganser (male)
Red-tailed hawk
Tufted titmouse
House finches (female and male)
Tufted titmouse
November 2020
Barred owl
Black-capped chickadee
White-breasted nuthatch
Northern mockingbird
Herring gull
Northern shoveler
Red-bellied woodpecker
Tufted titmouse
Hermit thrush
Downy woodpecker
White-breasted nuthatch
Downy woodpecker
Barred owl
Downy woodpecker
October 2020
Great blue heron
Canada goose
Great blue heron
Tufted titmouse
Eastern towhee
Black-capped chickadee
White-breasted nuthatch
Barred owl
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Great blue heron
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
Barred owl
September 2020
Common grackle
August 2020
Red-tailed hawk
Black-crowned night heron
Red-winged blackbird (female)
Great blue heron
Great egret
Monarch butterfly
Northern cardinal (male)
Northern cardinal (female)
July 2020
Great blue heron
Wood duck (male)
Great egret
Mallard duck with ducklings
Great blue heron
Black-crowned night heron
American robin
Northern cardinal
June 2020
Black-crowned night heron
Great egret
Great egret
Mallard (female, with ducklings)
March 2020
Green-winged teal
Red-bellied woodpecker
Great blue heron
Red-tailed hawk
House sparrow
Downy woodpecker
Downy woodpecker and house sparrow
Downy woodpecker
February 2020
American coot
Red-headed woodpecker
Red-tailed hawk
Northern shoveler
Red-bellied woodpecker
Downy woodpecker
January 2020
Downy woodpecker
Cooper's hawk
Great blue heron
Cooper's hawk
Cooper's hawk
Bufflehead duck
Hooded merganser
Great blue heron
Red-tailed hawk
December 2019
Red-bellied woodpecker
Red-headed woodpecker (juvenile)
Northern shoveler
Downy woodpecker
Northern cardinal (male)
Downy woodpecker
House finch (male)
Red-bellied woodpecker
House finch (female)
Black squirrel
Great blue heron
November 2019
House sparrow
Northern cardinal (male)
Red-bellied woodpecker
Red-headed woodpecker (juvenile)
Northern cardinal (male)
American goldfinch
House finch
Northern cardinal (female)
American goldfinch
Hermit thrush
Red-bellied woodpecker
Dark-eyed junco
Ruddy duck
Hooded merganser
White-throated sparrow
Great blue heron
Downy woodpecker
Red-bellied woodpecker
Great horned owl
October 2019
Eastern towhee
Hermit thrush
Pin-tailed Whydah
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
Pin-tailed Whydah
Cooper's Hawk
September 2019
Double-crested cormorant
Red-tailed hawk
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Double-crested cormorant
Blackpoll warbler (female)
Black-crowned night heron
August 2019
Cardinal (female)
American redstart
Starling (juvenile)
Northern cardinal (female)
July 2019
Red-tailed hawk
June 2019
Black-crowned night heron
Catbird eating a butterfly
Great egret
May 2019
Black-crowned night heron
Brown bat
Red-bellied woodpecker
Blue jay
April 2019
Great egret
Robin in its nest
Great egret
Red-tailed hawk
Bluejay bathing
Black-crowned night heron
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Brown creeper
Northern flicker
Pine warbler
Great blue heron
Great egret
Night heron
Great blue heron
March 2019
Aerial Ballet
Snow Goose
Red-tailed hawk
February 2019
Great blue heron
White-breasted nuthatch
Cardinal (female)
January 2019
A wood duck, hanging out with the mallards
The mandarin duck
Landing gear retracted
This pair of mallards was inseperable
Ruddy duck
Red-tailed hawk
December 2018
Downy woodpecker
Tufted titmouse
Red-tailed hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Barred owl
November 2018
May 2018
Blue jay
American goldfinch
Red-bellied woodpecker
Northern flicker
Downy woodpecker
Hairy woodpecker
At Turtle Pond
Indigo bunting
March 2018
House sparrow
American goldfinch
Northern mockingbird
November 2017
April 2017
February 2017
Downy woodpecker
Tufted titmouse
Central Park
Steven M. Bellovin
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