COMS E6998 (Spring 2024)
Lecture Details
Instructor: Suman Jana
Office: Mudd 412
Office hours: by appointment
Classroom: 1127 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Class hours: Thursday (1:10-3:40 pm)
This class is going to focus on application of data-driven ML models trained on code for program reasoning and approximation tasks.
Note:There will be no assigned textbook for the class and you are expected to read the assigned articles/papers/slides carefully, and take notes.
There is no formal prerequisite for this class but you should be generally comfortable with ML. Feel free to send me an email if you have any specific questions.
- Project - 60%
- Presentations - 30%
- Class participation - 10%
Date | Topics | Lecture notes & Reading |
Jan 18 | Intro | |
Jan 25 | Neural Program Repair | Survey |
Feb 1 | Natural language to program generation | Program Synthesis with LLMs |
Feb 8 | Robustness of program generation | ReCode: Robustness Evaluation of Code Generation Models |