Textbooks and Suggested Readings

Class Textbook 

The required textbook for the class is "Introduction to Modern Cryptography" by Jonathan Katz and Yehuda Lindell, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 3rd edition. This book will be on reserve in the science and engineering library, and available from the Columbia bookstore. Additional pointers, handouts, or papers may occasionally be distributed in class. The lecture summaries page includes recommended and required readings for each lecture.

Following are some useful materials for those who wish to explore further.  All these texts are available either on-line or in the Engineering library (or both).

Other Cryptography Texts

The following are textbooks that take a (more or less) similar approach to the one we take in this class, although they do differ from our class (and from each other) in some content and notation. They are all free for download. The following book presents a comprehensive treatment of the theoretical foundations of cryptography, taking a very abstract, theoretical approach.  This book is much more advanced than our class, and covers the material in far greater depth.  This book is recommended for advanced students who are interested in conducting research in cryptography.
Two books on secure computation, which is a more advanced topic that we will not reach in this introductory class:

Background Reading 

The appendix of the textbook (by Katz and Lindell) reviews some mathematical background such as basic probability and number theory.

Additional background reading on discrete math, probability, algorithms and complexity theory can be found in several of the above references, as well as in the following.

Computational Number Theory and Algebra 

Some excellent references for computational number theory and applied algebra include:

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