COMS E6261: Advanced
Spring 2020: Information Theoretic Cryptography
- Tal Malkin
- Email: tal at cs
- Office hours: Fridays 9:30-10:30am or by appointment, 514 CSB.
Teaching Assistants:
- Marshall Ball
- Email: marshall at cs
- Office hours: Thursdays 9:00-10:00am or by appointment, 516 CSB.
- Negev Shekel Nosatzki
- Email: negev at cs
- Office hours: Tuesdays 1:30-2:30pm or by appointment, 5th floor lounge CSB.
Administrative Notes:
Class meets Tuesdays 4:10-6:00pm, at 303 Hamilton Hall.
This course can be used as a
theory elective for the PhD program in computer science, as a track
elective for MS students in the "Foundations of Computer Science"
track or the "Computer Security" track, or as a track elective for
undergraduates in the "Foundations" track.
COMS E-6261 Advanced Cryptography focuses around a different
topic, possibly with a different format, every time it is taught.
The class can be repeated for credit.
Introduction to Cryptography or
COMS-W4236 Introduction to Computational Complexity or instructor
approval. The most important prerequisite is mathematical
maturity, and comfort with (preferably also strong affection for)
rigorous definitions and proofs.
Course Description
This course is an advanced graduate level seminar, where most
lectures will be given by students taking the class (see more
The course will focus on selected topics and techniques in
information-theoretic cryptography, namely settings with perfect
or statistical security against a computationally unbounded
adversary (without relying on computational assumptions).
This is a very wide umbrella including topics such as the
following (and many more):
- Secret sharing
- Byzantine agreement, consensus, etc
- Secure computation (information
theoretic MPC for general functions, IT garbled circuits,
minimal-interaction secure computation models, etc).
- Randomized Encodings and their applications
- IT PIR (private information retrieval)
- Proof systems (IP, PCP, MIP, ZK,...)
- Connections of cryptography to coding theory (secret
sharing, locally decodable codes, non-malleable codes, ...)
- Randomness extraction and cryptographic applications
Most of these topics could easily span a full semester each,
and include various interesting subtopics, upper and lower
bounds, and connections to various other areas of cryptography
and theoretical computer science. We will not attempt to give
an exhaustive treatment, and we will likely not be able to even
touch on all the above topics.
Instead, we will study in depth a few results in different areas,
and give an overview and pointers to some other directions and
applications. The results we cover will range from classic
results from the 80s to cutting edge research papers. We will
also try to highlight open problems.
Lectures and Readings
Below are very brief summaries of the lectures that have already
happened, and plans/readings that will be presented in the upcoming
A more extensive summary of the lectures and upcoming class
topics, with many links for supplementary reading and project ideas
related to the the class topics, is available here:
Information Theoretic Cryptography:
Lectures, Readings, Proposed Project Topics (evolving document,
last updated 2/9/20).
Lecture 1 (1/21): Introduction to class. Threshold secret
sharing definition. Shamir's secret sharing construction (and proof).
Informal overview of the use of Shamir's secret sharing for secure
computation (BGW protocol). No required reading.
Lecture 2 (1/28)(plus some of Lecture 3): Secure computation (in semi-honest,
honest majority, information theoretic setting): definition, and
construction (BGW). Optimality of threshold (impossibility for
corrupted majority). Motivation and context for next topics.
No required reading.
Lectures 3,4 (Feb 4,11)
(taught by Lali Devadas and Tim Randolph , with
support from Ruth Wang):
- Required reading: Randomization
Techniques for Secure Computation, Yuval Ishai, 2013, sections 1
and 2. This is a survey of Randomized Encodings -- we will
cover some of it (as well as later work) in this and future
- To be presented in class: Randomized encoding (RE):
definitions and overview. Constructions for decomposable RE
(or PSM) and low degree RE:
Yao's garbled circuits (information-theoretic presentation), and
RE from branching programs. Application to getting constant round
secure computation.
These are covered in various sources but we will use the
- The same Ishai
survey above.
- Perfect Constant-Round
Secure Computation via Perfect Randomizing Polynomials,
Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, ICALP 2002
Notes: garbled circuits correspond to source 1 sections 4.1.2,
4.2.3, and source 2 section 3, while RE from branching programs
correspond to source 1 sections 4.1.3, 4.2.4, and source 2
section 4.
Lecture 5 (Feb 18): Lower Bounds for Private Simultaneous
Messages (PSM), Conditional Disclosure of Secrets (CDS).
To be presented in class:
- On the Complexity of
Decomposable Randomized Encodings. Ball, Holmgren, Ishai, Liu,
Malkin, ITCS 2020. We will focus on the information theoretic
lower bound.
- Communication Complexity of
Conditional Disclosure of Secrets and Attribute-Based
Encryption. Romain Gay, Iordanis Kerenidis, Hoeteck Wee, CRYPTO 2015.
We will focus on the lower bound, and super simple upper bounds.
Lecture 6 (Feb 25):
Conditional Disclosure of Secrets (CDS): upper bounds, lower bounds,
and overview of other connections/applications.
Papers to be presented:
- Communication
Complexity of Conditional Disclosure of Secrets and
Attribute-Based Encryption. Romain Gay, Iordanis Kerenidis,
Hoeteck Wee, CRYPTO 2015.
- Conditional
Disclosure of Secrets via Non-Linear Reconstruction. Tianren Liu,
Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Hoeteck Wee, CRYPTO 2017.
We will present the first CDS construction (section 3.3 / theorem
- Required reading: Introduction of both above papers
(the second paper's intro can be viewed as an update of the
first paper, reflecting better understanding in light of new
- Thorough reading: If you choose to read one of these
papers throughly, for the first paper this includes the whole body
of the paper plus appendices B,C, and for the second paper this
includes reading the paper through the end of section 3.3.
Lecture 7 (March 3):
Private Information Retrieval (PIR). To be presented in class:
A survey of information-theoretic PIR, current results, and
connections to other areas (CDS, secret sharing, locally-decodable
codes). See the
recent Bar-Ilan
University winter school slides by Yuval Ishai and Klim
(although we will have less time, and will not cover all of it).
Private Information
Retrieval with Sublinear Online Time. Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and
Dmitry Kogan, EUROCRYPT 2020.
The first one is not a single paper, but rather a survey, focusing
on communication complexity (the typical focus in PIR). There's no
required reading for it, though you may want to skim the slides.
No in-depth reading for this one either, although if you want to
read a (technical, information-theoretic) PIR paper of your choice
as a thorough reading you can inquire and I will probably approve
(e.g., the Katz-Trevisan one proving equivalence of LDC and PIR).
For the second paper, required reading is sections 1.1-1.3 of the
Corrigan-Gibbs and Kogan paper (and the whole paper for thorough
Upcoming: Distributed Computing: Byzantine Agreement, etc.
The class requirements are as follows:
- Presentation:
Most lectures will be delivered by students. For each lecture there
will be about two students in charge of the lecture (presenting the
assigned papers), and about two other students supporting the
presenters. The presenters and supporters should work together to
thoroughly understand the assigned papers, so that the presenters can
effectively teach them. Motivation and context, as well as
definitions, proofs, and techniques, are all important. The teaching
staff will provide help and guidance as well.
Every student is expected to take the role of a presenter once, and
the role of a supporter once throughout the semester.
- Reading:
Most classes will have assigned readings that are required of every
student. For example, this may consist of reading the introduction
and technical overview of the papers to be presented.
In addition, every student has to thoroughly read (including proofs)
2 of the assigned papers throughout the semester, not including the
papers that the student is designated as a presenter or supporter
for. Note you must notify the TAs that you are thoroughly reading the papers for a given class, before that class takes place, in order to get credit.
- Presence:
Students are expected to be present in lectures (physically, but not
only). Come prepared, pay attention, try to get the most out of the
- Homework: There may be a small number (between 0 and
3, likely closer to 0) of homeworks.
- Project:
Every student should complete a research project on any cryptographic
topic of their choice (subject to instructor approval).
Students may work on their research project individually or in a
If you would like to collaborate with others outside the
class, e.g., other professors or fellow students, you may do so,
provided that all your collaborators know and approve, and that
you're not getting double credit for the same project (and of
course, I will hold you accountable for your project).
More information about the requirements, deadlines, and suggested
topics for the projects is available on the
projects page.
Each project will be presented to the class, either during the final
exam slot for the class, or during a scheduled day on reading week.
Academic Honesty
I expect that the primary goal of everyone in the class is to learn (I
can imagine no other reason that you would be in this class). Hopefully
this means that there will be no focus on grades (which I can tolerate
but do not like), and no issues of dishonesty (which I absolutely will
not tolerate).
As in every CS class, students are expected to adhere to
the academic
honesty policy of the CS department.