Generative vs. Discriminative classifiers, Nearest Neighbor classifier, Coping with drawbacks of k-NN, Decision Trees, Model Complexity and Overfitting
[lec 2]
NN and k-d trees |
decision trees |
CML 1.3, 2.2-2.5, 3.1-3.2
Topic 3
Decision boundaries for classification, Linear decision boundaries (Linear classification), The Perceptron algorithm, Coping with non-linear boundaries, Kernel feature transform, Kernel trick
[lec 3]
CML 4.1-4.8, 11.1-11.2
Exam #1
Topic 4
Support Vector Machines, Large margin formulation, Constrained Optimization, Lagrange Duality, Convexity, Duality Theorems,
Dual SVMs [lec 4]
SVM basics |
Lagrange Duality |
CVX book |
CML 7.7, 11.5-6
Topic 5
Regression, Parametric vs. non-parametric regression, Ordinary least squares regression, Logistic regression, Lasso and
ridge regression, Optimal regressor, Kernel regression, consistency of kernel regression
[lec 5]
notes/reading: Logistic regression |
Kernel regression
Topic 6 (if time permits)
Statistical theory of learning, PAC-learnability, Occam's razor theorem, VC dimension, VC theorem, Concentration of measure
[lec 6]
notes/reading: PAC and VC tutorial |
Intro. Learning Theory |
CML 12.3, 12.5-6
There is no textbook for the course. You may find the books in Resources section helpful to complement the topics covered in the lectures.
Books on ML
The Elements of Statistical Learning by Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman (link) Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Bishop (link) A Course in Machine Learning by Daume (link) Deep Learning by Goodfellow, Bengio and Courville (link) Understanding Machine Learning by Shalev-Shwartz and Ben-David (link)
Applied Probability: Events, discrete and continuous random variables, densities, expectations, joint-, conditional- and marginal distributions, independence, concepts of standard deviation, variance, covariance, and correlation, law of large numbers, central limit theorem.
Applied Statistics: Bayes Rule, Priors, Posteriors, Maximum Likelihood Principle (MLE), Basic distributions such as Bernoulli, Binomial, Multinomial, Poisson, Gaussian. Multivariate versions of these distributions, especially Multivariate Gaussian Distribution.
Linear Algebra: Vector spaces, subspaces, matrix inversion, matrix multiplication, linear independence, rank, determinants, orthonormality, basis, solving systems of linear equations. Eigenvectors/values, Eigen- and Singular Value Decomposition. Identifying and working with popular types of matrices - e.g. symmetric matrices, positive (semi-) definite matrices, non-singular matrices, unitary matrices, rotation matrices, etc. Linear maps, fundamental subspaces (column space, row space, null space, left null space), operators, (orthogonal) projections.
Multivariate Calculus: Limits and sequences of functions. Taylor expansions and approximations.
Take derivatives and integrals of common functions, gradient, Jacobian, Hessian, classification of stationary points, compute maxima and minima of common functions. Differentiation of vector valued functions.
Mathematical maturity: Ability to communicate technical ideas clearly.
Basic algorithm design and analysis: Time and space complexity analysis, asymptotic notation (eg, big-O, big-Ω, big-Θ), complexity analysis of iterative and recursive processes.
Basic datastructures: Graphs, Trees, Lists, Tables. Basic representation, traversal and analysis techniques on such datastructures.
Programming: Ability to program in a high-level language, and familiarity with basic algorithm design, data structures, coding principles and efficient data processing in your preferred high-level language.
Students are expected to adhere to the Academic Honesty policy of the Computer Science Department, this policy can be found in full here.
Violation of any portion of these policies will result in a penalty to be assessed at the instructor's discretion. This may include receiving a zero grade for the assignment in question and a failing grade for the whole course, even for the first infraction.