I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Columbia University. I direct the Mobile X Lab. Before joining Columbia, I was the co-director of the Dartmouth Networking and Ubiquitous Systems (DartNets) Lab and the Dartmouth Reality and Robotics Lab (RLab) at Dartmouth College. I was also affiliated with the Augmented Health Lab. I received my PhD in Computer Science at UC Santa Barbara in June, 2013, working under the supervision of Prof. Heather Zheng. I was a visiting faculty in National Taiwan University from December 2016 to February 2017, and in University of Cambridge from April 2017 to June 2017.
My research interest lies broadly in mobile computing and its intersection with other disciplines. Most of my current projects center on light - a ubiquitous medium around us. We explore a range of projects that turn light into a powerful medium for data communication and object/behavioral sensing. Check out our demo videos to learn more details. My PhD work designed network systems to handle the massive volume and unpredictable nature of today’s data traffic (see more in our MobiCom'08 and SIGCOMM'12 papers).
I am fortunate to work with a group of talented and motivated students at the Mobile X Lab. I am also looking for motivated students to join us! If you are interested in mobile systems research, please email me with your CV. Before you apply, please take a look at this website to know more about the Columbia PhD program.