Quantum Computation Publications

Selected Publications

J. F. Traub and H. Wozniakowski, Path Integration on a Quantum Computer, Quantum Information Processing, 1(5), 365-388, Oct. 2002. LANL preprint quant-ph/0109113.

R. Servedio, Separating Quantum and Classical Learning.28th International Conference on Automata, Languages and Programming(ICALP), 1065-1080. 2001.

S. Gortler and R. Servedio, Quantum versus Classical Learnability, Sixteenth Annual Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC), 138-148, 2001.

E. Novak, I. H. Sloan and H. Wozniakowski, Tractability of Approximation for Weighted Korobov Spaces on Classical and Quantum Computers, Journal of Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2002 (to appear). LANL preprintquant-ph/0206023.

M. Kwas and H. Wozniakowski, Sharp Error Bounds on Quantum Boolean Summation in Various Settings, J. Complexity, 2003 (to appear). LANL preprint quant-ph/0303049.

P. Jaksch and A. Papageorgiou, Eigenvector Approximation Leading to Exponential Speedup of Quantum Eigenvalue Calculation, Physical Review Letters,91,257902, 2003. LANL preprint quant-ph/0308016.

A. Bessen, Approximation of Various Query Types, 2003. LANL preprint quant-ph/0308140.

A. Papageorgiou, Average case quantum lower bounds for computing the boolean mean, 2003. LANL preprint quant-ph/0311007.

A. V. Aho and K. M. Svore, Compiling Quantum Circuits using the Palindrome Transform, 2003. LANL preprint quant-ph/0311008.

S. Heinrich, M. Kwas, and H. Wozniakowski, Quantum Boolean Summation with Repetitions in the Worst-Average Setting, 2003. LANL preprint quant-ph/0311036.



Last modified: October 27, 2003

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