Solves b-matching using fast belief propagation. In addition to the main driver program, whose main function is located in BMatchingSolver.cpp, this package includes library functions located in namespace bmatchingLibrary (in BMatchingLibrary.h) to solve standard b-matching problems, such as problems with weight matrices, problems with negative Euclidean weights, or inner product (linear kernel) valued weights as well as the BMatchingProblem object, which can be manipulated to solve custom b-matching problems.
The algorithm used is based on research by Bert Huang and Tony Jebara and this code is written by Bert Huang.
Please cite the following paper if you use this, and stay tuned to the authors' websites for updated papers on the latest algorithm included in this package.
@inproceedings{HuaJeb07, Author = {Huang, B. and Jebara, T.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics}, Date-Added = {2010-02-22 12:52:26 -0500}, Date-Modified = {2010-02-22 12:52:26 -0500}, Editor = {Marina Meila and Xiaotong Shen}, Month = {March}, Title = {Loopy Belief Propagation for Bipartite Maximum Weight b-Matching}, Volume = {2 of JMLR: W\&CP}, Year = {2007}}