Gabriela Cretu, PhD student
Classes that I TAed
CS 165A - UCSB
Intro to Artificial Intelligence
CS 165B - UCSB
Machine Learning
CS 178 - UCSB
Intro to Cryptography
COMS W3261 - CU
Computability and Models of Computation
COMS E6185 - CU
Intrusion Detection Systems
Classes that I took as a graduate student
CS 279 - UCSB
Network Security and Intrusion Detection
CS 235 - UCSB
Computational Geometry
CS 263 - UCSB
Implementation of Modern Programming Languages
CS 220 - UCSB
Automata based Complexity
CS 290I - UCSB
Algorithms and Heuristics in Computer Architecture
COMS W4231 - CU
Analysis of Algorithms, I
COMS W4115 - CU
Programming Languages and Translators
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