Giuseppe Di Guglielmo

CV and Research Statement

These are my:

Research interests

I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science with focus on the verification, validation, and testing of hardware at the system level. My areas of research are computer-aided design and verification of heterogeneous Systems-on-Chip. Current research topics are the design, optimization, and validation of hardware accelerators with emphasis on high-level synthesis and FPGA. I am interested in various application domains, such as physics, biology, image processing, and machine learning. I am recently investigating architectural solutions for hardware and software security.


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, April 2009
  • Laurea degree in Computer Science Magna cum Laude, September 2005
    • Verifica funzionale dei dispositivi digitali mediante manipolazione di Macchine a Stati Finiti Estese
    • University of Verona – Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Science
  • Classical Studies Diploma, July 1998
    • Liceo Ginnasio di Stato Scipione Maffei, Italy


  • Machine Learning by Stanford University on Coursera (Prof. Andrew Ng).

Academic experiences and employment history