Installation Instructions
Note: Columbia Email By Phone was tested using Jakarta Tomcat 3.2.1
as a stand-alone webserver and servlet engine but should work with any
servlet/JSP Container.
Read the requirements
Download and install Jakarta
Tomcat 3.2.1
You may need to configure Tomcat to work with your webserver (i.e. Apache
or IIS)
Unzip and untar vxml.tar.gz into the webapps directory of TOMCAT_HOME (TOMCAT_HOME/webapps)
Create a symbolic link from your home directory to the vxml directory (ln
-s jakarta-tomcat-version/webapps/vxml vxml)
Add servlet.jar and webserver.jar of jakarta-tomcat-version/lib into your
Add all of the jar files in the lib directory of vxml to your CLASSPATH
(you have to explicitly add the jar files, you cannot do something like
Add the in the lib directory of vxml to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Add WEB-INF and WEB-INF/classes of the vxml directory to your CLASSPATH
Configure Columbia Email By Phone
Run make in the WEB-INF/classes directory of vxml
Restart Tomcat (jakarta-tomcat-version/bin/ ; jakarta-tomcat-version/bin/