
CS 86998/EE 6898/EECS 6898: Topics - Information Processing: From Data to Solutions, Fall 2014

Time: Friday, 1:10-3:40pm
Place: MUDD 825


Shih-fu Chang (Office Hours: TBD) sfchang_AT_ee.columbia.edu, 212-854-6894

Julia Hirschberg (Office Hours: TBD) julia_AT_cs.columbia.edu, 212-939-7004

Noemie Elhadad (Office Hours: TBD) noemie.elhadad_AT_columbia.edu

Teaching Assistants: Laura Willson, Anna Prokofieva (Office Hours: TBD)

Announcements | Academic Integrity | Description
Readings | Resources | Requirements | Syllabus


This course is designed for participants in the NSF IGERT program "From Data to Solutions".  Students in the seminar may be IGERT Trainees, IGERT affiliates, or other students having the permission of one of the instructors.  The course will consist of a series of presentations by faculty and staff at Columbia and CUNY who will describe interesting problems involving very large amounts of data (text, audio, image, video) that require interdisciplinary collaboration with faculty and students in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Statistics, Psychology, Biomedical Informatics, Business and Journalism.  Students taking the course will complete short reading assignments for each class, turn in one-page reports on each of the presentations, and prepare a final longer report on one of the problems presented as a final project.  Actual experimental implementations will be welcome, but not mandatory. Some proposed projects may be selected and invited to continue in the following semester or summer under the supervision of the instructors or other participating faculty or researchers from industry.  There are no prerequisites for the course and no exams; students will be selected for the class based upon a questionnaire to be administered the first day of class.  Note that students who are members of the IGERT: From Data to Solutions project (Trainees and Affiliates) will have preference in enrollment.  This is a required course for IGERT Trainees.


Students will be expected to complete all reading assignments before the class for which they are assigned.  Students will prepare short reports on each of the presentations.  These must be submitted in CourseWorks before the following class. Each student will prepare a longer report outlining an approach to one of the interdisciplinary problems describe in the presentations.  There will be no midterm or final exam.  Grades will be based on class participation, weekly short reports, and final report.

A guide to weekly reporting can be found here.

An example can be found here.

Information on final reports and presentations can be found here and here.


Class participation: 30%

Short Reports 30%

Final Report 40%

Academic Integrity

Copying or paraphrasing someone's work (code included), or permitting your own work to be copied or paraphrased, even if only in part, is not allowed, and will result in an automatic grade of 0 for the entire assignment or exam in which the copying or paraphrasing was done. Your grade should reflect your own work. If you believe you are going to have trouble completing an assignment, please talk to the instructor or TA in advance of the due date.


Required readings are available online from links in the syllabus below.


There is no report due for Week 13.

The final reports are due on Wednesday 11 December at 1pm. Final presentations are also on Wednesday 11 December at 1pm in the EE conference room, Mudd 1306.



Date Topic Readings Presenters
Week 1 (9/5)
Introduction to the Course
Shih-fu Chang, Noemie Elhadad, Julia Hirschberg
Week 2 (9/12)

Duy Linh Tu
Week 3 (9/19)

Brian Roark
Week 4 (9/26)

Frances Negron-Muntaner
Week 5 (10/3)

Dina Demner-Fushman
Week 6 (10/10)

Emily Bell
Week 7 (10/17)

Nima Mesgarani
Week 8 (10/24)

Shree Nayar
Week 9 (10/31)

Matthew Jones
Week 10 (11/7)

Dennis Tenen
Week 11 (11/14)

Alfio Gliozzo
Week 12 (11/21)

Annie Dorsen
Week 13 (12/5)

Final reports and presentations
Week 14 (12/12)

Final reports and presentations