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Foe more recent work, please see my cv here -
- "Speech Technology – Output: Prosody in TTS", Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd edition.
- "Pragmatics and Intonation," Handbook of Pragmatics, ed. L. Horn and G. Ward, Blackwell. To appear. J. Hirschberg, "The Role of Intonation in Spoken Dialogue Systems", in Automated Spoken Dialogue Systems, ed. S. Luperfoy. MIT Press.
- J. Hirschberg, "Training Accent and Phrasing Assignment on Large Corpora for Text-to-Speech," in Data-Driven Techniques in Speech Synthesis, ed. R. Damper. Kluwer.
- M. Swerts and J. Hirschberg, editors, Language and Speech: Special Double Issue on Prosody and Conversation, 41(3-4).
- J. van Santen, R. W. Sproat, J. Olive, and J. Hirschberg (Eds.). Progress in speech synthesis. Springer Verlag, New York.
- J. Pierrehumbert and J. Hirschberg, "The Meaning of Intonational Contours in the Interpretation of Discourse," in Intentions and Plans in Communication and Discourse, P. Cohen, J. Morgan, and M. Pollack, eds., MIT Press, pp. 271–311.
Julia Hirschberg
Percy K. and Vida L. W. Hudson
Professor of Computer Science
Columbia University
Department of Computer Science
1214 Amsterdam Avenue
M/C 0401
450 CS Building
New York, NY 10027
email: julia@cs.columbia.edu
phone: (212) 853-8464