W4152 Engineering Software-as-a-Service

Fall 2022 -- Junfeng Yang

Due Dates

All assignments are due at 11:59:59 PM New York local time.

# Assignment Due Date Graded? Submission Site
1 hw-setup 9/12 Not graded but required CourseWorks
2 hw-ruby 9/19 Yes Codio
3 hw-saas 9/26 Yes Codio
4 proj-team 9/28 Not graded but required CourseWorks
5 hw-rails 10/5 Yes Codio
6 hw-bdd 10/12 Yes Codio
7 proj-proposal 10/19 Yes CourseWorks
8 hw-tdd 10/26 Yes Codio
9 proj-iter1 11/2 Yes CourseWorks
10 proj-iter2 11/16 Yes CourseWorks
11 proj-demo 12/5 Yes CourseWorks
12 proj-launch 12/19 Yes CourseWorks


1. hw-setup (required but not graded)

The first goal of this assignment is to set up your Ruby environment. While we will use the environments in Codio for the CHIPS programming assignments, you will need a Ruby on Rails environment for your project. In general, it is helpful to be able to easily switch the versions of Ruby and/or Rails, which you will achieve in this assignment.

  1. Follow the rbenv Github page to install rbenv for your platform.
  2. Once rbenv is installed, you can use rbenv install -l to list the available Ruby versions.
  3. Use rbenv install --verbose 2.6.6 to install a specific version (2.6.6 in this example).
  4. Use rbenv global 2.6.6 to set the default Ruby version for your environment.
  5. Use ruby -v to verify that it is installed correctly.
  6. Run the following commands (Note: replace YOUR-UNI with your actual UNI) to generate a SHA256 digest of your UNI:
              $ irb # starts an interactive ruby shell
              irb(main):001:0> require 'digest'
              => true
              irb(main):002:0> Digest::SHA256.hexdigest 'YOUR-UNI'
              => "f1b136b58da1bf976eecec2605d1cdddd97daf17639b416f7cd25a29a95d5c0e"

Submit the output from ruby -v and the digest of your UNI (like "f1b13..." in the example above) in a file called ruby.txt to CourseWorks.

Another goal of this assignment is to agree to the course collaboration / copying policy. Please sign by adding your name, UNI, and date to the following text and submit it as signed_collaboration_policy.txt to the corresponding assignment in CourseWorks.

        I have read and understood the following documents:

          1. CS department's Policies and Procedures regarding Academic Honesty;
          2. Columbia College and Columbia Engineering’s Academic Integrity website; and
          3. The Engineering Software-as-a-Service course policies.

        I pledge that I will abide by the rules set forth by the documents, and
        that I will accept the corresponding penalties if I fail to do so.

        I also pledge that I will never post any Course Materials to public code
        repositories or web sites like GitHub, CourseHero, etc., nor will I
        share Course Materials privately with any person who may take the same
        class in the future.  I understand Course Materials include, but are not
        limited to, my own code, skeleton and solution code I received, lecture
        notes, and exams and solutions.


2. hw-ruby

Complete Codio 2.5 CHIPS: Ruby Intro.

3. hw-saas

Complete Codio 3.7 CHIPS: Wordguesser.

4. proj-team (required but not graded)

Complete forming your project team. Your team should have four members. Fill the following form and submit it as a team.txt file to the corresponding assignment in CourseWorks.

        Member 1 Name:
        Member 1 UNI:
        Member 2 Name:
        Member 2 UNI:
        Member 3 Name:
        Member 3 UNI:
        Member 4 Name:
        Member 4 UNI:

5. hw-rails

Complete Codio 5.2 CHIPS: Ruby Intro.

6. hw-bdd

Complete Codio 7.7 CHIPS: Intro to BDD and Cucumber.

7. proj-proposal

Submit a your project proposal as a proposal.txt file to the corresponding assignment in CourseWorks. It should have the following contents:

      Title: tagline of your project, such as "Slack: Where work happens"
          - Team members (name and UNI for each teammate)
          - Pain points you're addressing
          - What your SaaS does to address the pain points
          - Why is your SaaS unique/different from the solutions in the market
          - A link to a short YouTube video explaining your proposal

A few paragraphs are enough. No need to write a detailed business plan. The YouTube video will be played in class during our Proposal Day. The length of the video will be determined based on the total number of projects. Everyone in the team must speak (approximately equally). If time allows, we will conduct a quick live Q/A session for each proposal. Submit any additional materials such as presentation deck you may have.

Only one member of the team needs to submit. Be sure to include in proposal.txt the names and UNIs of all team members.

After the submission, but before Proposal Day, post your proposal and video to the course discussion board and prefix the post title with "[Project Proposal]..." for the entire class to learn what you plan to do and provide feedback.

Grading rubric:

8. hw-tdd

Complete Codio 8.9 CHIPS: The Acceptance Test/Unit Test Cycle

9. proj-iter1

Submit the iteration 1 of your SaaS product to the corresponding assignment in CourseWorks. Only one member of each team needs to submit. Your submission should include

Grading rubric:

10. proj-iter2

Submit the iteration 2 of your SaaS product to the corresponding assignment in CourseWorks. Only one member of each team needs to submit. Be sure to include in README the names and UNIs of all team members. Your submission should include

Grading rubric:

11. proj-demo

Prepare a short demo video of your SaaS product. Submit a link to the video, a Heroku deployment link, and the presentation deck to the corresponding assignment in CourseWorks. The demo video will be played in class during our Demo Day. The length of the video will be determined based on the total number of projects. Everyone in the group has to speak (approximately equally). If time allows, we will conduct a quick Q/A session for each team. Submit any additional materials such as usage curves you may have.

Only one member of the team needs to submit. Be sure to include in README the names and UNIs of all team members.

After the submission, but before Demo Day, post your demo video to the course discussion board and prefix the post title with "[Project Demo]..." for the entire class to appreciate what you have built and provide feedback.

Grading rubric:

12. proj-launch

Submit the final version of your SaaS product to the corresponding assignment in CourseWorks. Only one member of the team needs to submit. Be sure to include in README the names and UNIs of all team members. Your submission should include

Grading rubric: