
Four homework assignments will require handwritten answers and/or small amounts of programming. There will also be two projects during the semester, to be done in groups of 2 or 3. The project details will be distributed at appropriate intervals during the semester. The first project will require developing a written report based on a review of data management systems. The second project will require implementing an aspect of a database system. Infrastructure details for the second project will be provided later.

Homework assignments and the projects will be graded by the TAs.

There will be a mid-term exam in class on March 9. Note: if you get a better grade on the final than the midterm, then your midterm grade will be replaced with your final-exam grade.

There will also be a final 3-hour exam during the final exam week.

Both exams are closed book.

The relative weights of the various components are:

Homeworks 25%
Projects 30%
Midterm 15%
Final 30%

Ken Ross 2022-02-12