The System.CodeDom namespace contains classes that can be used to represent the elements and structure of a source code document. These elements may be used to model the structure of a source code document that may be output as source code in a supported language using the functionality provided by the System.CodeDom.Compiler namespace.
For more information about using the CodeDOM to represent and generate source code, see the conceptual topic at MSDN: Generating and Compiling Source Code Dynamically in Multiple Languages.
For a table that lists the CodeDOM elements by type and function, see the the conceptual topic at MSDN: CodeDOM Quick Reference.
Class | Description |
class CodeArgumentReferenceExpression | Represents a reference to an argument. |
class CodeArrayCreateExpression | Represents an expression that creates an array. |
class CodeArrayIndexerExpression | Represents an expression that indicates an array and a specific index or indices. |
class CodeAssignStatement | Represents a simple assignment statement. |
class CodeAttachEventStatement | Represents a statement that attaches an event handler. |
class CodeAttributeArgument | Represents an argument used in a metadata custom attribute declaration. |
class CodeAttributeArgumentCollection | Represents a collection of CodeAttributeArgument objects. |
class CodeAttributeDeclaration | Represents an attribute declaration. |
class CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection | Represents a collection of CodeAttributeDeclaration objects. |
class CodeBaseReferenceExpression | Represents a reference to the base class. |
class CodeBinaryOperatorExpression | Represents an expression that consists of a binary operation between two expressions. |
class CodeCastExpression | Represents an expression that is to be cast to a data type or interface. |
class CodeCatchClause | Represents a catch exception block. |
class CodeCatchClauseCollection | Represents a collection of CodeCatchClause objects. |
class CodeComment | Represents a comment. |
class CodeCommentStatement | Represents a statement consisting of a single comment. |
class CodeCommentStatementCollection | Represents a collection of CodeCommentStatement objects. |
class CodeCompileUnit | Provides a top-level object to use for compilation. |
class CodeConditionStatement | Represents a conditional branch statement, typically represented as an statement. |
class CodeConstructor | Represents the declaration of an instance constructor for a type. |
class CodeDelegateCreateExpression | Represents an expression that creates a delegate. |
class CodeDelegateInvokeExpression | Represents an expression that invokes a delegate. |
class CodeDirectionExpression | Represents an expression that indicates the direction type of the reference. |
class CodeEntryPointMethod | Represents the entry point of an executable. |
class CodeEventReferenceExpression | Represents an expression that references an event. |
class CodeExpression | Represents a code expression. This is a base class for other code expression objects that is never instantiated. |
class CodeExpressionCollection | Represents a collection of CodeExpression objects. |
class CodeExpressionStatement | Represents a statement that consists of a single expression. |
class CodeFieldReferenceExpression | Represents a reference to a field. |
class CodeGotoStatement | Represents a statement. |
class CodeIndexerExpression | Represents a reference to an indexer property of an object. |
class CodeIterationStatement | Represents a for statement, or a simple loop through a block of statements, using a test expression as a condition for continuing to loop. |
class CodeLabeledStatement | Represents a labeled statement or a stand-alone label. |
class CodeLinePragma | Represents a specific location within a specific file. |
class CodeMemberEvent | Represents an event member of a class. |
class CodeMemberField | Represents a field class member declaration. |
class CodeMemberMethod | Represents a declaration for a method of a class. |
class CodeMemberProperty | Represents a declaration for a property of a class. |
class CodeMethodInvokeExpression | Represents an expression that invokes a method. |
class CodeMethodReferenceExpression | Represents an expression that references a method on a specific object. |
class CodeMethodReturnStatement | Represents a return statement. |
class CodeNamespace | Represents a namespace declaration. |
class CodeNamespaceCollection | Represents a collection of CodeNamespace objects. |
class CodeNamespaceImport | Represents a namespace import directive that indicates a namespace to use. |
class CodeNamespaceImportCollection | Represents a collection of CodeNamespaceImport objects. |
class CodeObject | Provides a common base class for most Code Document Object Model (CodeDOM) objects. |
class CodeObjectCreateExpression | Represents an expression that creates a new instance of an object. |
class CodeParameterDeclarationExpression | Represents a parameter declaration for a method, property, or constructor. |
class CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection | Represents a collection of CodeParameterDeclarationExpression objects. |
class CodePrimitiveExpression | Represents a primitive data type value. |
class CodePropertyReferenceExpression | Represents a reference to a property. |
class CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression | Represents an expression that represents the value argument of a property set method call within a property set method declaration. |
class CodeRemoveEventStatement | Represents a statement that removes an event handler. |
class CodeSnippetCompileUnit | Represents a literal code fragment that can be compiled. |
class CodeSnippetExpression | Represents a literal expression. |
class CodeSnippetStatement | Represents a statement using a literal code fragment. |
class CodeSnippetTypeMember | Represents a member of a class using a literal code fragment. |
class CodeStatement | Represents a statement. This is a base class for other code statement objects that is never instantiated. |
class CodeStatementCollection | Represents a collection of CodeStatement objects. |
class CodeThisReferenceExpression | Represents a reference to the current local class instance. |
class CodeThrowExceptionStatement | Represents a statement that throws an exception. |
class CodeTryCatchFinallyStatement | Represents a try block, with any number of catch clauses and optionally, a finally block. |
class CodeTypeConstructor | Represents a static constructor for a class. |
class CodeTypeDeclaration | Represents a type declaration for a class, structure, interface or enumeration. |
class CodeTypeDeclarationCollection | Represents a collection of CodeTypeDeclaration objects. |
class CodeTypeDelegate | Represents a delegate declaration. |
class CodeTypeMember | Represents the declaration for a member of a type. Type members include fields, methods, properties, constructors and nested types. |
class CodeTypeMemberCollection | Represents a collection of CodeTypeMember objects. |
class CodeTypeOfExpression | Represents a expression, an expression that returns a specified runtime type. |
class CodeTypeReference | Represents a data type to CodeDOM objects. |
class CodeTypeReferenceCollection | Represents a collection of CodeTypeReference objects. |
class CodeTypeReferenceExpression | Represents a reference to a data type. |
class CodeVariableDeclarationStatement | Represents a declaration of a variable. |
class CodeVariableReferenceExpression | Represents an expression that references a local variable. |
Enumeration | Description |
enumeration CodeBinaryOperatorType | Specifies identifiers for supported binary operators. |
enumeration FieldDirection | Specifies identifiers used to indicate the direction of parameter and argument declarations. |
enumeration MemberAttributes | Specifies member attribute identifiers for class members. |