System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextPropertyActivator Interface

Assembly: Mscorlib.dll
Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
This type supports the Shared Source CLI infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Indicates that the implementing property is interested in participating in activation and might not have provided a message sink.
C# Syntax:
public interface IContextPropertyActivator
The IContextPropertyActivator interface is exposed on all Context properties that are interested in participating in activation and that might have not provided a message sink. Client Context properties send information in the construction message that their counterparts at the remote site could look for during activation.

IContextPropertyActivator is also used to collect information from the client and server context property and to deliver information from the server context properties to the client context properties when returning to the client Context.

See also:
System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts Namespace

System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextPropertyActivator Member List:

Public Methods
CollectFromClientContext Called on each client context property that has this interface, before the construction request leaves the client.
CollectFromServerContext Called on each server context property that has this interface, before the construction response leaves the server for the client.
DeliverClientContextToServerContext DeliverClientContextToServerContext
DeliverServerContextToClientContext Called on each client context property that has this interface, when the construction request returns to the client from the server.
IsOKToActivate Indicates whether it is all right to activate the object type indicated in the msg parameter.

System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextPropertyActivator Member Details

Method: CollectFromClientContext(
   IConstructionCallMessage msg
Called on each client context property that has this interface, before the construction request leaves the client.
This type supports the Shared Source CLI infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
C# Syntax:
void CollectFromClientContext(
   IConstructionCallMessage msg


An IConstructionCallMessage.

The context property can examine and manipulate the contents of the IConstructionCallMessage.

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Method: CollectFromServerContext(
   IConstructionReturnMessage msg
Called on each server context property that has this interface, before the construction response leaves the server for the client.
This type supports the Shared Source CLI infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
C# Syntax:
void CollectFromServerContext(
   IConstructionReturnMessage msg


An IConstructionReturnMessage.

The context property can examine and manipulate the contents of the IConstructionReturnMessage.

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Method: DeliverClientContextToServerContext(
   IConstructionCallMessage msg
This type supports the Shared Source CLI infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
C# Syntax:
bool DeliverClientContextToServerContext(
   IConstructionCallMessage msg


An IConstructionCallMessage.

The current method is called on each server context property that implements the IContextPropertyActivator interface when a construction request arrives at a server. This allows the context property to examine the contents of each IConstructionCallMessage.

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Method: DeliverServerContextToClientContext(
   IConstructionReturnMessage msg
Called on each client context property that has this interface, when the construction request returns to the client from the server.
This type supports the Shared Source CLI infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
C# Syntax:
bool DeliverServerContextToClientContext(
   IConstructionReturnMessage msg


An IConstructionReturnMessage.

The context property can examine the contents of the IConstructionReturnMessage.

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Method: IsOKToActivate(
   IConstructionCallMessage msg
Indicates whether it is all right to activate the object type indicated in the msg parameter.
This type supports the Shared Source CLI infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
C# Syntax:
bool IsOKToActivate(
   IConstructionCallMessage msg


An IConstructionCallMessage.

Return Value:
A Boolean value indicating whether the requested type can be activated.

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