System.Threading.ThreadPriority Enumeration

Assembly: Mscorlib.dll
Namespace: System.Threading
Specifies the scheduling priority of a Thread.
C# Syntax:
public enum ThreadPriority
ThreadPriority defines the set of all possible values for a thread priority. Thread priorities specify the relative priority of one thread versus another.

Every thread has an assigned priority. Threads created within the runtime are initially assigned the Normal priority, while threads created outside the runtime retain their previous priority when they enter the runtime. You can get and set the priority of a thread by accessing its Thread.Priority property.

Threads are scheduled for execution based on their priority. The scheduling algorithm used to determine the order of thread execution varies with each operating system. The operating system can also adjust the thread priority dynamically as the user interface's focus is moved between the foreground and the background.

The priority of a thread does not affect the thread's state; the state of the thread must be ThreadState.Running before the operating system can schedule it.

See also:
System.Threading Namespace | Thread | MSDN: managedunmanagedthreading

System.Threading.ThreadPriority Member List:

Public Fields
AboveNormal The Thread can be scheduled after threads with Highest priority and before those with Normal priority.
BelowNormal The Thread can be scheduled after threads with Normal priority and before those with Lowest priority.
Highest The Thread can be scheduled before threads with any other priority.
Lowest The Thread can be scheduled after threads with any other priority.
Normal The Thread can be scheduled after threads with AboveNormal priority and before those with BelowNormal priority. Threads have Normal priority by default.


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