Class |
class NameTable |
Implements a single-threaded XmlNameTable.
class XmlAttribute |
Represents an attribute. Valid and default values for the attribute are defined in a DTD or schema.
class XmlAttributeCollection |
Represents a collection of attributes that can be accessed by name or index.
class XmlCDataSection |
Represents a CDATA section.
class XmlCharacterData |
Provides text manipulation methods that are used by
several classes.
class XmlComment |
Represents the content of an XML comment.
class XmlConvert |
Encodes and decodes XML names and provides methods for converting between common language runtime types and XML Schema definition language (XSD) types. When converting data types the values returned are locale independent.
class XmlDeclaration |
Represents the XML declaration node: <?xml version='1.0' ...?>.
class XmlDocument |
Represents an XML document.
class XmlDocumentFragment |
Represents a lightweight object that is useful for tree insert operations.
class XmlDocumentType |
Represents the document type declaration.
class XmlElement |
Represents an element.
class XmlEntity |
Represents an entity declaration: <!ENTITY ... >.
class XmlEntityReference |
Represents an entity reference node.
class XmlException |
Returns detailed information about the last exception.
class XmlImplementation |
Defines the context for a set of XmlDocument objects.
class XmlLinkedNode |
Gets the node immediately preceding or following this node.
class XmlNamedNodeMap |
Represents a collection of nodes that can be accessed by name or index.
class XmlNamespaceManager |
Resolves, adds and removes namespaces to a collection and provide scope management for these namespaces. This class is used by the XsltContext and XmlReader classes.
class XmlNameTable |
Table of atomized string objects.
class XmlNode |
Represents a single node in the XML document.
class XmlNodeChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the XmlDocument.NodeChanged, XmlDocument.NodeChanging, XmlDocument.NodeInserted, XmlDocument.NodeInserting, XmlDocument.NodeRemoved and XmlDocument.NodeRemoving events.
class XmlNodeList |
Represents an ordered collection of nodes.
class XmlNodeReader |
Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached forward only access to XML data in an XmlNode
class XmlNotation |
Represents a notation declaration: <!NOTATION ... >.
class XmlParserContext |
Provides all the context information required by XmlTextReader or XmlValidatingReader to parse an XML fragment.
class XmlProcessingInstruction |
Represents a processing instruction, which XML defines to keep processor-specific information in the text of the document.
class XmlQualifiedName |
Represents an XML qualified name.
class XmlReader |
Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to XML data.
class XmlResolver |
Resolves external XML resources named by a URI.
class XmlSignificantWhitespace |
Represents white space between markup in a mixed content mode or white space within an xml:space= 'preserve' scope. This is also referred to as significant white space.
class XmlText |
Represents the text content of an element or attribute.
class XmlTextReader |
Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to XML data.
class XmlTextWriter |
Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating streams or files containing XML data that conforms to the W3C Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 and the Namespaces in XML recommendations.
class XmlUrlResolver |
Resolves external XML resources named by a URI.
class XmlValidatingReader |
Represents a reader that provides DTD, XML-Data Reduced (XDR) schema, and XML Schema definition language (XSD) schema validation.
class XmlWhitespace |
Represents white space in element content.
class XmlWriter |
Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only means of generating streams or files containing XML data that conforms to the W3C Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 and the Namespaces in XML recommendations.