[Serializable] |
using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; public class Sample { private const String filename = "book.xml"; public static void Main() { Sample mySample = new Sample(); mySample.Run(filename); } public void Run(String args) { // Create and load the XML document. Console.WriteLine ("Loading file {0} ...", args); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load (args); //Create the event handlers. doc.NodeChanged += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler(this.MyNodeChangedEvent); doc.NodeInserted += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler(this.MyNodeInsertedEvent); // Change the book price. doc.DocumentElement.LastChild.InnerText = "5.95"; // Add a new element. XmlElement newElem = doc.CreateElement("style"); newElem.InnerText = "hardcover"; doc.DocumentElement.AppendChild(newElem); Console.WriteLine("\r\nDisplay the modified XML..."); Console.WriteLine(doc.OuterXml); } // Handle the NodeChanged event. public void MyNodeChangedEvent(Object src, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args) { Console.Write("Node Changed Event: <{0}> changed", args.Node.Name); if (args.Node.Value != null) { Console.WriteLine(" with value {0}", args.Node.Value); } else Console.WriteLine(""); } // Handle the NodeInserted event. public void MyNodeInsertedEvent(Object src, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args) { Console.Write("Node Inserted Event: <{0}> inserted", args.Node.Name); if (args.Node.Value != null) { Console.WriteLine(" with value {0}", args.Node.Value); } else Console.WriteLine(""); } } // End classThe example uses the file, book.xml, as input.
<!--sample XML fragment--> <book genre='novel' ISBN='1-861003-78' misc='sale-item'> <title>The Handmaid's Tale</title> <price>14.95</price> </book>