ID: | cognitive |
Title: | The Role of Cognitive Modeling in Achieving Communicative Intentions |
Authors: | Marilyn A. Walker and Owen Rambow |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | workshop |
# pages: | 10 |
Bib. Info: | Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Natural Lnaguage Generation, Kennebunkport, ME |
Year: | 1994 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | planning |
ID: | domaindependent |
Title: | On the need for domain communication language |
Authors: | Richard Kittredge, Tanya Korelsky and Owen Rambow |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | journal |
# pages: | 10 |
Bib. Info: | Computational Intelligence, 7(4):305-314 |
Year: | 1991 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | don't have it (from Reiter&Dale2000) |
Section: | planning |
ID: | injuries |
Title: | Generating warning instructions by planning accidents and injuries |
Authors: | Daniel Ansari and Graeme Hirst |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | workshop |
# pages: | 10 |
Bib. Info: | Proceedings, 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, August, 118--127 |
Year: | 1998 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Sections: | ai(50%) planning(50%) |
ID: | knowledgeselection |
Title: | Knowledge acquistion for content selection |
Authors: | Ehud Reiter, Alison Cawsey, Liesl Osman and Yvonne Roff |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | workshop |
# pages: | 10 |
Bib. Info: | Proceedings of the Sixth European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, pages 117-126, Duisberg, Germany |
Year: | 1997 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | according to them, A very early paper on knowledge acquisition in STOP. People interested in KA issues should probably read our INLG-2000 paper instead. |
Section: | planning |
ID: | sdrt |
Title: | Document structuring \'a la SDRT |
Authors: | Laurence Danlos, Bertrand Gaiffe and Laurent Roussarie |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | workshop |
# pages: | 10 |
Bib. Info: | Proceedings of the 8th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (EWNLG 2001/ACL 2001) (pp. 11-20), Toulouse |
Year: | 2001 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | planning |
ID: | stochasticsearch |
Title: | Experiments using Stochastic Search for Text Planning |
Authors: | Chris Mellish, Alistair Knott, Jon Oberlander and Mick O'Donnell |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | conference |
# pages: | 10 |
Bib. Info: | Proceedings of the ninth International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, pages 98--107, Niagra-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada |
Year: | 1998 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | planning |
ID: | rulesselection |
Title: | Defeasible rules in content selection and text structuring |
Authors: | Alistair Knott, Mick O'Donnell, Jon Oberlander and Chris Mellish |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | conference |
# pages: | 11 |
Bib. Info: | Proceedings of the Sixth European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, March, pages 50-60, Duisburg, Germany |
Year: | 1997 |
Significance: | 0.9 |
Comment: | |
Section: | planning |
ID: | ooplanning |
Title: | An Object-Oriented Approach to Content Planning for Text Generation |
Authors: | Ursula Wolz |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | techrep |
# pages: | 14 |
Bib. Info: | Columbia University, Department of Computer Science, New York, NY 10027, Technical Report: CUCS-004-90, February 28 |
Year: | 1990 |
Significance: | 0.9 |
Comment: | |
Section: | planning |
ID: | coherentvisual |
Title: | Generating Coherent Presentations Employing Textual and Visual Material |
Authors: | Elisabeth Andr\'e and Thomas Rist |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | journal |
# pages: | 19 |
Bib. Info: | AI Review 9, pp. 147-165 |
Year: | 1995 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Sections: | multimedia(75%) rst(25%) |
ID: | parsimonious |
Title: | Parsimonious or Profligate: How Many and Which Discourse Structure Relations? |
Authors: | Eduard Hovy and Elisabeth Maier |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | ms |
# pages: | 30 |
Bib. Info: | Unpublished ms |
Year: | 1995 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | rst |
ID: | setrst |
Title: | Using Linguistic Phenomena to Motivate a Set of Rhetorical Relations |
Authors: | Alistair Knott and Robert Dale |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | techrep |
# pages: | 30 |
Bib. Info: | HCRC/RP-39, December |
Year: | 1993 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | rst |
ID: | edp |
Title: | Developing and empirically evaluating robust explanation generators: The KNIGHT experiments |
Authors: | James Lester and Bruce Porter |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | journal |
# pages: | 37 |
Bib. Info: | Computational Linguistics, 23(1):65-101 |
Year: | 1997 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | (from Reiter&Dale2000) - define an schema language, EDP |
Section: | planning |
ID: | rsttheory2 |
Title: | Rhetorical Structure Theory: Toward a functional theory of text organization |
Authors: | William C. Mann and Sandra A. Thompson |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | journal |
# pages: | 38 |
Bib. Info: | Text 8(3) (1988) pp. 243-281 |
Year: | 1988 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | rst |
ID: | layoutrstcl |
Title: | Towards Constructive Text, Diagram, and Layout Generation for Information Presentation |
Authors: | Thomas Kamps, Jurg Kleinz, John Bateman and Klaus Reichenberger |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | journal |
# pages: | 41 |
Bib. Info: | Computational Linguistics, Vol. 27, Issue 3, Pages 409 - 449 - September |
Year: | 2001 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Sections: | multimedia(50%) rst(50%) |
ID: | instructional |
Title: | Choosing Rhetorical Structures to Plan Instructional Texts |
Authors: | Leila Kosseim and Guy Lapalme |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | journal |
# pages: | 49 |
Bib. Info: | Computational Intelligence: An International Journal. vol 16, no 3, pp. 408-445, August. Blackwell. Boston |
Year: | 2000 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | rst |
ID: | planningargumentative |
Title: | Planning Argumentative Texts |
Authors: | Xiaorong Huang |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | conference |
# pages: | 5 |
Bib. Info: | Proceedings of 15th COLING, Kyoto, Japan |
Year: | 1994 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Sections: | ai(25%) planning(75%) |
ID: | centering |
Title: | Using centering theory to plan coherent texts |
Authors: | Rodger Kibble and Richard Power |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | workshop |
# pages: | 6 |
Bib. Info: | Proceedings of the 12th Amsterdam Colloquium |
Year: | 1999 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | planning |
ID: | nag |
Title: | Perambulations on the Way to an Architecture for a Nice Argument Generator |
Authors: | Ingrid Zukerman, Kevin Korb and Richard McConarchy |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | workshop |
# pages: | 6 |
Bib. Info: | Notes of the ECAI-96 Workshop on Gaps and Bridges: New Directions in Planning and Natural Language Generation'', pp. 31-36, Budapest, Hungary |
Year: | 1996 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Sections: | ai(75%) planning(25%) |
ID: | problemrst |
Title: | A Problem for RST: The Need for Multi-Level Discourse Analysis |
Authors: | Johanna D. Moore and Martha E. Pollack |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | journal |
# pages: | 6 |
Bib. Info: | Computational Linguistics , 18(4):537-544 |
Year: | 1992 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | rst |
ID: | rhetoricaldialog |
Title: | Rhetorical struture in dialog |
Authors: | Amanda Stent |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | conference |
# pages: | 6 |
Bib. Info: | Proceedings of the 2nd International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG'2000), June (student paper) |
Year: | 2000 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Sections: | rst(50%) multimedia(50%) |
ID: | planningadvisory |
Title: | Planning Text for Advisory Dialogues: Capturing Intentional and Rhetorical Information |
Authors: | Johanna D. Moore and Cecile L. Paris |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | journal |
# pages: | 64 |
Bib. Info: | Computational Linguistics 19(4):651-695 |
Year: | 1992 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | rst |
ID: | bottomup |
Title: | From local to global coherence: A bottom-up approach to text planning |
Authors: | Daniel Marcu |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | conference |
# pages: | 7 |
Bib. Info: | Proceedings of Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-1997), pages 450-456 |
Year: | 1997 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Sections: | planning(75%) rst(25%) |
ID: | constraintsatisfaction |
Title: | Planning texts by constraint satisfaction |
Authors: | Richard Power |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | conference |
# pages: | 7 |
Bib. Info: | Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-2000), Saarbruecken, Germany, pp 642-648 |
Year: | 2000 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | planning |
ID: | edpo |
Title: | Extended Discourse Plan Operators |
Authors: | Owen Rambow |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | workshop |
# pages: | 7 |
Bib. Info: | Proceedings of LORID-99, International Workshop on Text Representation University of Edinburgh July 7-9 |
Year: | 1999 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Sections: | rst(50%) planning(50%) |
ID: | hypertextdialogue |
Title: | The Web as Dialogue: the role of natural language generation in hypertext |
Authors: | Robert Dale, Maria Milosavljevic and Jon Oberlander |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | conference |
# pages: | 7 |
Bib. Info: | Proceedings of the AAAI Symposium on Natural Language Processing and the World Wide Web, Stanford University, March 24-26 |
Year: | 1997 |
Significance: | 0.8 |
Comment: | |
Section: | multimedia |
ID: | incompatiblerst |
Title: | Can text structure be incompatible with rhetorical structure? |
Authors: | Nadjet Bouayad-Agha, Richard Power and Donia Scott |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | conference |
# pages: | 7 |
Bib. Info: | INLG 2000 |
Year: | 2000 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | rst |
ID: | multilingualplanning |
Title: | An empirical study in multilingual natural language generation: what should a text planner do? |
Authors: | Daniel Marcu, Lynn Carlson and Maki Watanabe |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | conference |
# pages: | 7 |
Bib. Info: | The 1st International onference on Natural Language Generation INLG'2000, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel, June 12-16 |
Year: | 2000 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | planning |
ID: | reinterpretationarch |
Title: | Reinterpretation of an existing NLG system in a Generic Generation Architecture |
Authors: | L. Cahill, C. Doran, R. Evans, Chris Mellish, D. Paiva, M. Reape, Donia Scott and N. Tipper |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | conference |
# pages: | 7 |
Bib. Info: | Proceedings of INLG2000, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel |
Year: | 2000 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | planning-arch |
ID: | dpocl |
Title: | DPOCL: A Principled Approach to Discourse Planning |
Authors: | Michael R. Young and Johanna D. Moore |
URL: | |
Publ. Type: | workshop |
# pages: | 8 |
Bib. Info: | the Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Text Generation, Kennebunkport, ME |
Year: | 1994 |
Significance: | 1.0 |
Comment: | |
Section: | ai |
Papers: [ID] [Title] [Authors] [URL] [Publ. Type] [# pages] [Bib. Info] [Year] [Significance] [Comment]