Webboard and grades
Academic Honesty
Course Description
In this course, students will learn how to put "principles into practice," in a
hands-on-networking lab course. We will cover the technologies and protocols of
the Internet using equipment currently available to large Internet service
providers such as CISCO routers and end-systems. A set of laboratory
experiments will provide hands-on experience with engineering wide-area
networks and will familiarize students with the Internet Protocol (IP), Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), User
Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), the Domain
Name System (DNS), routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, BGP), network management
protocols (SNMP), and application-level protocols (FTP, TELNET, SMTP).
The labs are due at a rate of roughly one lab per week. The Prelabs are to be
completed as individual work, though discussion of issues, principles and
background material for the assignment will be discussed. A short pre-lab
Q&A, as well as lab write-ups, are required for each lab.
Course Objectives
Comprehend fundamental design principles of Internet Protocols, IP addresses,
and IP networks, including routing and forwarding.
Comprehend advanced Internet protocol technologies including network
management, domain name system, network address translation, network
management, and multicast.
Apply understanding of Internet protocols by analyzing, evaluating, and
improving actual network configurations of IP routers and Internet enables
COMS 4119 (Computer Networks) or other recent networking course, ELEN4710,
ELEN6761 or Instructor's permission
Grading and Late Policies
Pre-lab questions: 20%
Lab Reports: 40%
Midterm: 15%
Final Exam: 15%
Class Participation: 5%
Lab Participation: 5%
Optional Project (instead of final exam): 15%
Pre-lab questions MUST be completed invidually. The lab reports will be
submitted as a group. Pre-lab questions and group lab-reports must be submitted
electronically through courseworks.
Late submission of prelabs and lab reports and will be penalized at a rate of
20% points per day.
Course Text and Other Requirements
Required TextBook: Mastering Networks: An Internet Lab Manual by Jorg
Lieberherr, University of Virginia; Magda El Zarki, University of California,
ISBN: 0-201-78134-4. Publisher: Addison-Wesley. Copyright: 2004.
Sample Chapters and more info at the authors'
Web Site
Required TextBook: TCP/IP Tutorial
and Technical Overview, IBM Redbook by A.Rodriguez, J. Gatrell, J. Karas,
R.Peschke. ( PDF)
Other Materials: USB drive for storing data and a
CS account.
Lab Equipment and Groups
A view of
the proposed lab equipment, INTEREST Lab contains 3 fully equipped
racks. Students will perform labs in groups of three or four.