COMS W4995-02 Languages for Embedded System Design Fall 2001 |
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Overview | ||
Embedded systems are single-purpose computers that are often part of
larger systems such as cars or telephones. Their design requires
tight integration of application-specific hardware and software, and often
have strong constraints on power, cost, and speed. While most
embedded systems are currently designed using ad hoc techniques, the
complexity of future systems will demand formal design techniques.
The course is an introduction to a wide variety of languages used to specify embedded systems. Embodied in these languages are different models of computation, such as sequential, dataflow, discrete-event, and synchronous, that shape how design problems may be solved. Knowing about more of these languages will give you a bigger bag of tricks for solving design problems. When you have completed the course, you will have gained some experience using each of the languages, will have learned about how each of them are implemented, and will have completed a project that will give you more in-depth knowledge of one of the languages, either by using it to design a system or by creating an analysis tool for the language. |
Prerequisites | ||
COMS W4115 Programming Languages and Translators or equivalent COMS W3823 Digital Logic or equivalent This is a course about both hardware and software languages, so I expect you to be familar with programming in a language such as C or Java, be aware of language and compiler design issues and also be somewhat familiar with digital logic design. A simple litmus test: you should be able to write a program that performs a depth-first traversal of a graph, know what an abstract syntax tree is, and should be able to design a four-bit binary counter using NAND gates and flip-flops. |
Required Text | ||
Stephen A. Edwards. Languages for Digital Embedded Systems. Kluwer, 2000. ISBN 0-7923-7925-X Near Columbia, this is available at Papyrus Booksellers, at the corner of 114th and Broadway. Textbooks are downstairs. |
Additional Required Reading | ||
Robert S. French, Monica S. Lam,
Jeremy R. Levitt, and Kunle Olukotun. A General Method for Compiling Event-Driven Simulations. In Proceedings of the 32nd Design Automation Conference. San Francisco, California, June 1995, pages 151-156. Describes the standard way to compile Verilog along with a more sophisticated technique that does much of the scheduling at compile time. |
Dennis M. Ritchie. The Development of the C Language. In History of Programming Languages II. Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 1993. An excellent discussion of how the C language evolved, written by its creator. |
Gérard Berry. The Foundations of Esterel. In Proof Language, and Interaction: Essays in Honour of Robin Milner. Mit Press, 2000. |
Stan Liao, Steve Tjiang, Rajesh Gupta. An Efficient Implementation of Reactivity for Modeling Hardware in the Scenic Design Environment. In Proceedings of the 34th Design Automation Conference. Anaheim, California, June 1997. Describes how SystemC is implemented using a threads package (it was called Scenic then). |
Optional Reading | ||
Donald E. Thomas and Philip R. Moorby. The Verilog Hardware Description Language. Fourth Edition, Kluwer, 1998. The main text on Verilog. Moorby designed the language. |
Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. The C Programming Langage. Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1988. Still the best text on the C language. Possibly the best-written programming language text ever. |
Bjarne Stroustrup. The Design and Evolution of C++. Addison-Wesley, 1994. A comprehensive history of C++ that explains Stroustrup's intentions. |
Schedule of Lectures | ||
Classes meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:40 to 10:55 in 535 Mudd. This is change from the schedule of classes, which lists 327 Mudd. | ||
The following schedule is tentative and subject to change. | ||
Deliverables | ||
Class policies | ||
Grading |
50 % Project 20 % Midterm 1 20 % Final 10 % Homework |
Collaboration |
You are permitted to collaborate on homeworks,
however, the homework you submit must be your own unique creation, and you
must understand and be able to explain your result. My intention is
not to reduce your workload, but to give you the opportunity to learn
from your peers. See Columbia academic policies
for more details.
Collaboration on the project is mandatory unless your "team" is just you. Collaboration on the midterms is forbidden. |
Late Policy | Zero credit for anything handed in after the due date without explicit approval of the instructor. Homeworks are due at the beginning of class on the designated due date. | |
Attendance | You are responsible for knowing the presented material regardless of your attendance in class, and regular attendance is the best way to achieve this. | |
One-minute feedback |
At the end of each class, I will ask you
to spend a minute writing a question or comment about the lecture.
I am looking for feedback: if you still have unanswered questions, or
if any part of the lecture was unclear and you did not have the
opportunity to ask a question in class, this is the time to ask. I
will try to address these problems at the beginning of the next class.
You will be asked to sign your name on this question or comment, but its content will not affect your grade. |
Instructor | ||
Prof. Stephen A. Edwards 462 Computer Science Building (212) 939-7019 Office Hours 2:00 - 5:00 Mondays |
Classes at Other Institutions | ||
EE382C-9 | Prof. Brian Evans at the University of Texas at Austin teaches a similar course that focuses more on signal processing issues. | |
290N | Prof. Edward A. Lee at the University of California, Berkeley taught a much more theoretical class on languages and models of computation. | |
ee249 | Prof. Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli at the University of California, Berkeley taught a similar class. | |
Other resources | ||
A small annotated bibliography on embedded systems. | ||
Kees Vissers and Pieter van der Wolf, Kahn Process Networks and system level design. A presentation that describes the use of Kahn Process networks in the design of an MPEG decoder. | ||
The Esterel web site. There are compilers, documentation, and examples here. |
Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards | Updated Wed Dec 19 18:45:28 EST 2001 | All Rights reserved |