20070505-0731 Kyle and Saira |
 20070505-0733 Kyle Kosi Saira |
 20070505-0737 Kyle on pony |
 20070505-0745 Kyle and pony |
 20070505-0748 Kyle and ducks |
 20070505-0751 Kyle and tortoise |
 20070505-0759 Kyle and sheep |
 20070505-0777 Kyle waving |
 20070505-0790 Columbia Greenhouse Entrance |
 20070505-0792 Kyle golfing |
 20070505-0803 Nina selling toys |
 20070505-0817 Goats with Tennis Balls |
 20070505-0827 Kyle on the big slide |
 20070505-0832 Stephen with Erika Kyle and Kosi |