The 3157 Hackathon is an optional hackathon intended for students and alumni of the 3157.
As well as awesome people, we'll also have snacks and drinks to keep you fueled all night, 3157 swag, and swag from our sponsors!
This hackathon isn't just for homework, it's also an open learning environment. Whether you're a hackathon veteran or a first-timer, stop by.
Hackathon! On Friday, October 20th, from 7:30pm to 2am students will be working in John Jay dining
hall on a major assignment: lab4
. Alumni and TAs will be around to help, too.
There is no demo, there is no judging, and there is no prize. Just a night of hacking, good food, laughter, and friendship. Feel good about asking for help and helping others. No showing off and no embarrassment. We are very proud that for Columbia CS students new to hackathons, their first experience is one of cooperation and friendship, not of competition.
RSVP Now!Show up to get work done on your labs, to get help, or to help your classmates.
Come and help out current students (while also hacking on your own projects)!
Hang out, eat free food, talk, listen, learn, laugh, and sleep.
Attendance is not required. It's completely optional. It's totally understandable if you have better things to do Friday night than geeking out all night.
If you come, you don't have to stay all night. You're free to come and go as you please.
In addition to a good attitude, please bring a charged laptop, its charger, and your CUID.
During the hackathon, we will have a very loose collaboration policy. You can look at your classmates' code to learn or to help. You can sit down with someone else and try things together. All we ask is for you to make a genuine effort to learn or to help. You should list the people you have collaborated with in your README.
Additionally, if you wish to set up a Github repo for yourself and your partner, the repo must be private. GitHub offers free private repositories (and a bunch of other goodies!) to students, but it takes a week or two to process, so make sure to sign up before the hackathon.
The hackathon would also be a great opportunity for you
to learn from your savvy TAs and classmates about some of
the extra stuff that will enrich your shell
experience—nifty vim, emacs,
, and VirtualBox configurations,
useful debugging tools and techniques,
handy UNIX hacks,