Columbia SIP User Agent CU IRT

User Manual

sipc Frequently Asked Questions

Download and installation

  • Where can I get the password for downloading?
  • Running sipc

  • sipc asks for license key, what should I do?
  • sipc cannot find the home directory, or sipc try to find "E:\.sipc" but there is no E: partition on my machine, what should I do?
  • Whether sipc can support multiple network interfaces?
  • Media applications

  • Why does VIC crash when I start to transmit?
  • Compilation

  • How to build stand alone sipc?
  • How to build static Tcl/Tk library under Windows?

  • Where can I get the password for downloading?
    When you license sipc, you will get an email contains the download instruction and the password for downloading.
  • sipc asks for license key, what should I do?
    If sipc can not find the sipc.license file or the license key is wrong, sipc will pop up a dialog box to ask for the license key. When you license sipc, the license is contained in the email. Just put the key in the dialog. Or you can put the license key into sipc.license file and put the sipc.license file into $HOME/.sipc directory (Under Windows, put the file into c:\.sipc directory)
  • sipc cannot find the home directory under Windows, or sipc try to find "E:\.sipc" but there is no E: partition on my machine, what should I do?
    Go to Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables/User variables to set value of the environment variable 'HOME' to be C:\. If you cannot find 'HOME' in the list, you can simply click on the 'New' button to setup a new one.
  • Whether sipc can support multiple network interfaces?
    Currently, sipc cannot support multiple network interfaces. We are working on a solution to detect multiple network interfaces and ask the user to pick up the one sipc will use.
  • Why does VIC crash when I start to transmit?
    From the VIC menu, click on the 'Options' button in the 'Encoder' section and select the 'Configure on transmit' option. When you start transmitting, VIC will display the configuration dialog box. You should select the following options
    Resolution: 320x240 (NTSC)
    Color depth: RGB 16 bits
    The options will be saved, so this only needs to be done once.
  • How to build stand alone sipc?
    We are using freewrap to wrap Tcl file into stand alone binary file. We have extended freewrap with some extensions such as GDBM support. We have included freewrap in the sipc source distribution for convinience.
  • How to build static Tcl/Tk library under Windows?
    In sipc/freewrap/windows/ directory, there are two files -- and, please copy these two files to Tcl and Tk's win directory accordingly and use these two files to make the library. The static library will be in the win/static/ directory. Please be aware that these two files are for Tcl/Tk 8.4a1.

  • Last updated by Xiaotao Wu